Ignoring that they got a player hurt - what was the point of driving for that score? I guess there’s “playing to the final whistle”, but that’s all I can see (and it seems weak).
I guess there are tie-breaker considerations (points come in play for the seventh breaker), but I thought that the Chiefs should have done a Satchel Paige, and just stood aside at some point and let them score - why risk getting someone hurt, and you’re kind of showing up the 49er coach.
I assumed there was some kind of illegal formation penalty for this, but I don’t see one. So no, they probably don’t. But putting all your players on the sideline is a much douche-ier move as far as I’m concerned. It’s more embarrassing to the other team and contrary to the spirit of the game, if you’re interested in such things.
If the Chiefs defense had had a shutout going, they might have had more incentive to stop the final drive. Shutting out an NFL team is a fairly rare achievement.