50 - 50 in the Senate? (And other non-Presidential results).

Has anyone else noticed that the Senate may end up 50 - 50 Democratic and Republican? Washington State still has to decide a Senate race and there are only 3700+ votes between the two candidates. If the Democrat wins, the Senate will be split right in half. If it does, the Vice-Presidency becomes even more important since the VP casts the deciding vote in ties. However, if Gore wins, Lieberman gives up his Senate seat and who do you think the Republican governor will pick to replace him?

Now, I’d like to ask y’all to mention the other results you like or dislike. (It looks to me like the rest of the GD threads are about the Presidential race.)

I was pleased that school vouchers were voted down in California; I do not want to see private schools get tax dollars. I was pleased that Dianne Fenstein was re-elected to the Senate here. I was pleased that Hillary won. I was pleased that Colorado voted to legalize medical marijuana. I was pleased that Bill McCollum was not elected to the Senate in Florida. Florida also passed a resolution to see if high-speed rail transit is feasible. (I think that’s what it was for.) I did not like to see Kay Bailey Hutchison get re-elected in Texas. I saw that Phoenix, Arizona, voted to build a new football stadium for the Cardinals; nice, but I am generally against using tax money to build sports arenas.

What about the rest of you?

jab said:

And in Michigan as well.

Here’s a race you’ll love: http://www.al.com/news/mobile/Nov2000/8-a408222a.html

The judge in Alabama who fought to keep the 10 Commandments in his courtroom is now the chief justice of their supreme court.

I’m sure he’ll be anxious to support SOCAS in that state…

THe possibility of a 50-50 split in the Senate is especially interesting in light of the advanced age of the Strom Thurmond (he is 97). The governor of his state is a Democrat.

Oh, dear. They actually voted to build a high-speed rail line even though the proposition does not say how it is to be financed or what kind of technolgy will be used! It may siphon money away from highways and buses, and the municipal bus systems in all large Florida cities are jokes as they are. (I know, I’ve ridden them all.) SIGH

The repubs will have control of the Senate in any event.

If the Washington race goes Republican, then the repubs hold the Senate 51-49.

If the Dems win the Washington race, then it’s a 50-50 tie.

However, if Bush/Cheney wins, then Cheney will break ties for the Repubs. If Gore/Leiberman wins, then Leiberman leaves, is replaced by a Republican (CT’s governor is a Republican) and the Repubs again control 51-49.

It looks like Leiberman’s little stunt of being in both races may have cost the Dems the control of the Senate

Zev Steinhardt

Jesse Helms is in poor health, and the governor of North Carolina is also a Democrat.