7 Jan 2021 and beyond - the aftermath of the storming of the Capitol

Apparently this vote was going to be a lot closer to passing, Mitch had to plead with several of those non-voting Republicans to get them to sit out the vote rather than vote “yes.” I’m a little baffled by the two Democratic non-votes, you’d think Schumer would have had his entire conference lined up.

Patty Murray and Kyrsten Sinema to be exact. Wtf is with that?


They better have good excuses…

“It’s unclear why Sinema, D-Ariz., missed the vote…”

It’s perfectly clear. It’s because she sucks.

Maybe she went to the cinema.

They actually made shirts with “MAGA Civil War, January 6th” on them.

I almost have more respect for the Senators who voted “no” than the 11 who stuck their heads in the sand and pretended like they had Very Important Business elsewhere. For the record, those Senators are:

Blackburn (R-TN)
Blunt (R-MO)
Braun (R-IN)
Burr (R-NC)
Inhofe (R-OK)
Murray (D-WA)
Risch (R-ID)
Rounds (R-SD)
Shelby (R-AL)
Sinema (D-AZ)
Toomey (R-PA)

TBH, I don’t think we need a commission.

Commissions function best when they’re taken seriously by people along two sides of a political continuum. We don’t have that anymore. It would only be seen as another act of partisanship by anyone who isn’t already staunchly pro-Biden/anti-Trump. It’s just like impeachment all over again.

So let’s say, Murkowski and Repub-Lite actually do give Dems enough votes to have their commission. They’d probably be quick to ‘balance’ their vote by trying to downplay the commission’s findings, whatever they are.

I’d rather just kick out stimulus checks to voters and vote for stimulus.

All of that being said, Joe Munchkin, get your head out of your ass and nuke the filibuster once and for fucking all. Gettin’ real tired of your ‘Umma good ole shit kickin’, coal-shovelin’ boy from Appalachia. I kun relate to real people and stuff.

checks calendar she was returning video tapes.

We’ll likely never get the real reason but I’d be ok with it if she abstained knowing the bill wouldn’t pass. Given how nutty some Arizonians are, if abstaining helped her keep her seat then I’d support it.

She just got elected to a six year term. Mark Kelly has to defend his seat next year and he voted yes.

I agree, Sinema kinda sucks. Manchin gets all the shit, but she’s been just as much of an obstacle to eliminating the filibuster. And at least Manchin showed up to vote.

From AR article on chickenshit Sinema:

Well, that’s nice to know, if somewhat belated / FUCKING USELESS now.

The lack of bipartisanship and potential for impeachment proceedings redux notwithstanding, nothing has the subpoening power of such a commision.
Much like the AR’s toxic, fucked-up attempts at repeatedly suing over election results simply as an attempt to gaslight the more idioitic members of the public to sow doubt in the process, the mere optics of a Jan. 6 commission would achieve precisely the same thing, but in the inverse, in that: it would hopefully further illustrate to the public the iron-clad awfulness of the GOP.

I don’t think optics mean shit anymore; this country is hopelessly polarized. There is no rational debate or thought. We’re in a zero-sum ‘game’ of politics, in which some people (tens of millions) believe that they’re endangered by the usual ‘rules’ of democracy. You gotta realize: there are millions of people who have invested themselves in anti-democracy.

American democracy, as we’ve known it, is going to die. We have to understand this. The larger question is, how do ordinary citizens respond once they realize that their influence on the system has been challenged, rejected.

My recent nearby thread, “Okay, how will you react when Repubs end democracy?”, addresses that question, and garnered a much more extensive discussion than I had expected.

Glad to see my Republican senator, Portman of Ohio, actually discovered his spine at long last, showed up and voted with the Dems. About freakin’ time (and sure, it’s totally coincidental that he’s decided not to run for reelection).

Murray remains the mystery for me. WTF?

Local paper said she had unspecified family emergency. I don’t know what happened, but she had zero reason to fear voting for this bill.

I would take Murray at her word. She’s generally a respected legislator, from all I’ve heard.