7th Annual Shot Glass Exchange!

Perhaps to get more traffic to this thread, I should get a mod to re-name it “Kitten pictures!”

Think they’d make it a sticky, just till we close the sign-up?

Still got a couple of weeks left, but we don’t have as many participants as usual… Come on! This is fun. I promise!

I wanna play! Email sent.

Sounds like fun, I’m in. Email sent.

My favorite thing on the dope!

Boom! I’m in!

I didn’t even think about that. I can certainly ask!

I would like to join in on the exchange. I am willing to ship international as well. Can’t wait! :):slight_smile:

I’m in!

Anyone else?
Come on - this is fun!

Saturday is the deadline. Don’t miss out on the fun because you were too much of a grump to participate.

Rough count is 19

Let’s go, people!

Let me see if I can get to the store (not driving really sucks) to pick one up…we live in a tourist area, but Walgreens just sells shirts…WalMart sells shot glasses, but it is not worth my life crossing our highway and playing Frogger with white hair and knuckles for anything…

Shameless bump

Merciless bump

I’m in. I live in tickytacky hell so whomever gets my gifts better be ready to explain to your houseguests how you ended up with these gems. :cool:

Arbitrary bump

Sign up before you get trashed oc Cinco De Mayo!

Never mind. Withdrawing my entry.



Moving. :frowning: won’t be at this address much longer. Maybe next year.