80s catch phrases

I thought I’d like to wallow in the catch phrases of my youth. So which ones can we recall?

“I’ll buy that for a dollar.”
“Yeah, that’s the ticket.”
“I pity the foo’.”
“Wha’ chu takin’ bout?”

Where’s the beef?



And what the hell was Tubular supposed to mean, anyway?

“I’ll be back.”

But I cheated: http://www.inthe80s.com/phrases.shtml

“She just gave it a lick and a promise”

“Quit beatin’ the devil around the stump!”

“It’s hot as a whorehouse on nickel night!”

“He had a little too much who-hit-John.”

Ah…the memories…waitaminute - do you mean the 1980’s? Consarnit!!



Well, isn’t that special?

“DYN-O-MITE” was more 70s.

where’s the beef?

“Doesn’t anybody knock anymore?”
“Peruvian Marching Powder”
“Let’s Boogie!”

No wonder I stayed altered for most of the decade.

Grody to the Max!

Gag me with a spoon!

Party on, dudes!


Cowabunga! Totally! Awesome!

I’d guess it was a surfing reference. Surfers seem to especially enjoy riding upon waves that form a nice tube they can hang around in so I’d wager it comes from there.

I had remembered another one I was going to include in my last post but I forgot it but now I got it.

“I can’t believe I ate the whole thing.”

I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!

Oh, and IIRC was used by Spicoli, Sean Penn’s surfer dude character from Fast Times at Ridgemont High. The surf reference seems correct. It may have also popped into Moonunit Zappa’s minor pop hit “Valley Girl”… ok fine, fer sure, fer sure, she’s a Valley Girl.

ooh, memories are flooding back.

“You ever dance with the devil by the pale moonlight?”

“Fuck me gently with a chainsaw” - (from Heather’s, I think)
“Let’s not, and say we did”



Cap on you!


“Read my Lips. No new taxes.”
“I feel your pain.”
“I knew John Kennedy. He was a friend of mine. And you sir are no John Kennedy.”
“Well, here you go again.” (I think it was a name of a song by Poison)
“Greed is good.”
“Revenge…is great.” (Well, it should have been!!)

Cool Beans