Anyone else have nightmares after 9/11? I remember a vivid dream of an airliner flying VERY low over my car and crashing into some nearby woods. Through that crazy ‘dream logic’ I somehow just knew that the passengers had taken it over from terrorists and crashed it.
It really spooked me…and I rarely have nightmares of any kind…
I had nightmares for a while, yeah. I can’t remember most of them, but I do remember one where a big truck was flying through the air and crashed into a building.
I had nightmares and was pretty stressed. Then I got to the point where I could not sleep and was freaking out over every little thing. That is when I went to get help
I had one based on an urban legend that somebody in one of the towers “surfed” his way to the bottom as the building was collapsing.
I was in one of the Twin Towers, and knew that the planes had struck. As the building started to fall in on itself, I simply rode the piece of floor I was standing on all the way to the bottom and then…that was it.
Don’t know what it means and have only had this dream once.
I had a recurring dream for a few weeks that because of my computer skills, I had been drafted to create a database of recovered limbs and body parts, in the hopes of matching them up to dead people.
That was pretty weird. But at least we were using MySQL.
I a dream in which terrorism is involved every month or so. Never had them prior to 9/11. My most recent one was this past summer sometime when I dreamt that skyscrapers were being blown up in Tokyo.
I had one that I recall, shortly after 9-11. I was standing in the streets of NYC and buildings were on fire, things were blowing up left and right, people were panicking, etc. One of the more vivid dreams I’d had in awhile.
I still often have nightmares in which I am either onboard one of the hijacked aircraft or in one of the buildings when they are hit. In both cases I am aware of what is about to happen, and try to stop it, but am unable to do so.