“Stop ‘n’ Shop.” Really? But I want to do shopping in unceasing motion. Driving around the building in circles.
“Grab ‘n’ Go” (Sandwiches) Oh? You mean I can’t grab a sandwich and take a nap on the floor?
(Not a business, actually). The exit door in a library:“Push and Go.” But I just want to push the exit door. Just a few times. For fun. Not to leave the building.
The short-lived animated series “Clerks” had a joke like this. To increase business, Randall put up a sign in the store that said “Pay as you Exit.” Dante thought it was stupid, because that’s what people do anyway, but everyone who came in was impressed that they got to pay as the exited.
Years ago a friend was attempting to give me directions somewhere. He kept saying “Turn right at the Stop ‘n’ Go, then go three miles…” I was just not getting it. Why did he keep referring to a stoplight that way? (I was unaware of the store chain.) I was hopelessly confused until I actually passed by the store. I got lost anyway.
The Cleveland area used to have a supermarket chain called Pick-N-Pay. “No, first you pick, and then you pay. You can’t actually take the groceries home.”
There’s a chain in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia called Eat’n Park. Obviously it’s supposed to sound like a high-class joint (Eaton Park). However, the name ends up in reverse order – wouldn’t they prefer that you park the car, then come inside and eat (before departing the premises), as opposed to dining, then going out into the lot and taking up a space for several hours as you play out the fourth definition given on this page?
Obviously you’ve never read the menu at an Eat’n’Park.
IIRC, the name derives from a time when there were a lot of drive-in restaurants with signs that said “Park’n’Eat.” They reversed it to be different, and the name stuck.
It has nothing to do with wanting to sound like “Eaton Park.”
There is a convenience store/gas station/restaurant near my workplace that is called ‘Right Way’. Nothing too funny about that, except that their slogan is ‘Eat Here, Get Gas’.
I’m amazed that chain called “In-N-Out Burger” ever got of the ground. Does the name not just basically say “Eat here and you’ll vomit soon afterwards”? I can’t understand how anyone would ever go in.