A Because I Know How Much My Life Fascinates Y'all MMP

Nope, none at all. But that’s ok with me.

It was busy, but not too busy. We didn’t set an alarm any of the days except the day when we had to be on the train before 8 a.m. But even then we both woke up before the alarm so it wasn’t a problem. And even though it was a lot of walking and seeing, we weren’t pushing ourselves to do it or rushing through anything. It’s amazing how many hours there really are in a day when you don’t have work! :stuck_out_tongue:

Welcome back Shadow! Glad you’re feeling better. Hope we’ll see you around more.

My aunt sent a politically-charged email to a whole list of people yesterday and asked how those of us on the other side could feel the way we do. So I responded (just to her and mom, not the list!), but now I’m afraid to check my email. I hope I didn’t start a feud. Mom and one other aunt had already made it clear that we don’t all agree with this aunt’s viewpoint. So it’s not like she doesn’t know that we don’t agree with her. And I tried to be very polite in my email. But… feelings run deep on this kind of thing, and it can be really easy to offend even if you don’t mean to. I hope it turns out ok.


Know why our public schools sometimes seem ass-backwards? Because the people that know what they’re doing, and spend every day working in the schools get shot down and treated like 3 year olds by the elected officials who, of course know better than we do.

I think I should get a third “sector”, as I keep having to explain taxes to my clients. At least nowadays and so long as it’s about “state” level laws all I have to do to find the relevant law is go to the guvmint’s webpage.

So, consulting, translations and tax advice :stuck_out_tongue:
Oh, and it seems I may have a dissertation subject. I checked my idea with one of the teachers and he liked it.

So nice to see some mumpers returning to the fold. I don’t got nuffin for today, though.


The day sucketh…that is all.

I just got a bill for $97.33 from Kaiser Stupidente from 5/11/09.:smack:

Note: I haven’t had Kaiser insurance since about that time. Unfortunately it appears that the bill is legitimate, but did they really have to wait so long? I think they’ll be receiving approximately $10 per month until it’s paid off. I really, really, really hate them.

Ok, back to work, I’m avoiding some cleaning and organizing so I guess I should quit dawdling.

Hm. My monthly Socialist Government Pay-Out for having kids cheque hasn’t come yet. Four days late. I wondering if someone snatched it, or if this is just weird government inefficiency?I can’t imagine anyone getting onto our porch without our hearing them- our porch is creaky.

Fuck my life.

My dad just lost his job at the company he’s been working with for seventeen years. Or rather, the position was eliminated; Corporate needed to cut costs because sales are way down and he happened to occupy the unlucky slot that got chopped. So now I’m two years into a four-year Mechanical Engineering degree, and my parents are suddenly unemployed.

On top of that, my health insurance was provided through dad’s work. That means we no longer have it to cover the $10,000/year in medical bills that we rack up because of my very expensive prescription immunosurpressant that I have to take.

But wait, it gets better! It just so happens that ON THE SAME GODDAMN DAY THIS ALL HAPPENED, I started coming down with a cold. That alone would be insult to injury, but it gets better - the cold triggered my immune system and provoked a relapse of my Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome, the same condition that requires me to take the aforementioned very expensive pills. I’m probably going to need a 16-week course of the prescription corticol steroid Prednisone to get it back into remission. Have you ever taken Prednisone? It sucks.

But WAIT! THERE’S MORE! It turns out that I also had homework due yesterday morning, which I had completely forgotten about, and not only that, I got caught in a thunderstorm walking back from class! Because I wasn’t already having a shitty enough day!

TL;DR version: I woke up sick, forgot my homework, my dad lost his job, I no longer have health insurance, my autoimmune disease is relapsing, and I got caught in a thunderstorm.

Did I mention this ALL OCCURRED ON MONDAY?

Nobody’s actually died yet, but years from now they’re going to look back on this and realize that for all practical intents and purposes, Monday, September 28th, 2009 was the day the murders began.

Wow, Moonie, you really took a hit from Your Vast Conspiracy To Piss You Off. I’ve had years like that myself.


Awww, moonie! That sucks! Is Dad’s insurance already ended? If not, get thee to a doc and get it taken care of now. Might be you have till Thursday (end of month).

{{{Moonie}}} That all sucks. Can you get on insurance through your school? I had that as a grad student; don’t know if it’s available to undergrads. And yes, yes I have been on Prednisone, and it suck big time. Jittery, can’t sleep, overall suckitude. I think some other Mumpers have been on it too, 'cause I remember sympathy when I had to take it last year (maybe from **doggio **if my memory serves). Look into financial aid asap. See if there’s a way to get your aid based on updated circumstances instead of FAFSA based on last year’s earnings. Dunno what else to suggest, but go talk to financial aid about aid and insurance asap.

I’s sleepy. I’m trying not to fall asleep at my computer. Ugh. Too little to do while Manager’s away. Which seems like it’d be a good thing, but really it’s not. Wanna go home.

Urgh. I’m sorry, Moonie.

Attacks Husband got notice that he’ll be laid off in three weeks. I think it’s actually kind of good. He’s got quite a lot in savings, and his employers were some of the worst people I’ve ever heard of who aren’t murdering psychopaths or something. He’s deciding between job-searching and going back to school. We’re not worried- he’s got a nice financial cushion to land on.

I think it’s kind of funny that the small company is laying off all their employees (except, of course, for the owners) and expect to still be in business and making money. His bosses are allergic to work, whenever they do any of the cutting, construction or welding they do it impatiently and badly, and gripe about it the whole time, and disappear four days out of five on trips, holidays, and vacations. They’re going to sink.

I am worried about his co-worker who’ll be let go at Christmas, who has a kid in university, diabetes and no insurance, and whose wife is unemployed. I really hope he can find something better. Something that pays well and doesn’t have, say, the toxic levels of metal particles and open barrels of powdered lye hanging around.


Ditto on what taxi said… I’m sure the uni should have some form of health coverage, and even if it’s not 100% of the cost of your meds, it’s gotta be better than paying full pop, right?

I’m sure things look pretty rotten, but sometimes these things tend to work out for the best (I know The Boy’s parents hyperventilated when his dad lost his job a few years ago, but he landed an even better one before his severance ran out).

And hey, if it makes you feel any better, I just got my passport photo taken and I look just like my mother. I know I usually look like a 30-years-younger version of my mother, but this is the first time I’ve had a photo taken that makes me look EXACTLY like her… all 60 years of her. :stuck_out_tongue:

LiLi, is it possible that they sent it to your old address? Mail redirect has been known to delay things by a few days.

ETA: More hugs for Attacks Husband and his coworkers. Though that definitely sounds like a case where the layoff is a blessing in disguise.

OK, who let that Monday escape Hell and hit Moonie?

I’m home. Tuna is thawing for supper. Dishwasher is running. The zoo thinks they should be fed an hour early. Ain’t gonna happen.

{{moonie}} - real life sucks sometimes.

**Shadow **- yay for relief!

Nice and cool and breezy here - cool enough that I may have to shut some windows tonight. Perhaps autumn is truly here!! :smiley:

I went to hockey practice, they fired up the new HD Jumbotron for us. Sweet. I took the zoo to the DOGPARK! There was an Army sergeant there expalining why he took a 4ilbs Yorkie in a pink harness to the dogpark.:smiley:

{{{{{Moonie}}}}}} I’ve done the Predisone thing myself. I think taxi is right, see what the U can do for you.

Maybe he was a Bad Jew and Yom Kippur caught up with him…?

Seriously, {{{Moonie}}} – that sucketh mightily :frowning: 27th-ing the advice to check with Uni about both Health Insurance and Financial Aid.

Also, I’m probably the last person to ask (not living in the US myself), but I believe (from reading various discussions on the topic) that Health Coverage may continue a minimum of 30 days beyond termination at a place of employment? Also, there is something called COBRA which should allow your father to continue the terms of the coverage he had with his employer (i.e., you won’t be looking at Previous Condition clauses with a new insurer!) It’s kind of pricey IIRC, but nothing like you’ll be paying if you end up going out of pocket. Try looking into that as well.

**Lili **-- agreeing with you and others that Attacks Husband’s problems may be of the variety spelled o-p-p-o-r-t-u-n-i-t-y.

{{{{Moonie}}}} that’s way too much suckiness for one day. Just know you got a whole bunch of caring, if not extremely weird, internet friends on your side. Come in and vent or whatever you need. We’re here bud!

Howdy Y’all! I survived the first workday of the week. WOOHOO!!! Only four to go.

Oh and I say we have a vote. I say we all need to [del]railroad[/del] vote that BooFae start a MMP and regale us with pictures and tales of her New Yawk trip.

Do I have a second? :smiley:

Seriously, it’s been a while since a non-Amurrkin mumper started a thread and this looks like it’d be a good one.

BBBobbio righteous is high praise indeed. I trust you took due credit.

MBG it just goes to show, the real experts are the ones ignored until the s**t hits the fan. :rolleyes:

Ok, off to… ummmm… heat up leftovers for dindin.

Later Y’all!

I’ll second that! In fact, has **BooFae **ever started a MMP? Who else has been a MMP slacker??

Bring out the torches!! We need to rout out the slackers!!!

Or we could try to encourage volunteers. Either way.


The zoo is fed, the tuna is marinating in teriyaki, I know what I’m going to cook - just waiting for daughter to call and tell us she’s on her way home.

goes to hide under a rock until the lynch mob has quieted

I mean… errr… yes, totally agree that BooFae should be encouraged to write the next MMP!

whistles innocently