A Because I Know How Much My Life Fascinates Y'all MMP

What kind of surgery? (if I can ask).
I read someone’s list upthread as “wake up; kill husband” and I laughed. Ha! Here is how I did on my list for today:

It’s a gorgeous night out there–if you like chilly fall evenings (not frost cold, but chilly). I do, so it’s great.

I’m off tomorrow. Yippee! I read the rest of the thread but cannot recall-oh, wait: Those are some seriously cute kids. I like the Deep Thoughts one and HRH has such curls! :slight_smile:

Well hello there, **Shadow! ** I’ve been wondering about you too! Glad to see you’ve popped in.

My snuffling self survived work, although I think I’m grinding my teeth down to stumps because of frustration. Sigh…this too, I shall survive…barely.

My co-worker, who is generally the most pleasant and warm person to exist, has been rather non-communicative lately. Sigh…I don’t know what the hell I’ve done. I tried to bring it up last week, but she blamed it on a headache and trying to get work done. I’m sure that may have been some of it, but it’s still going on.
I’m going to try and talk to her tomorrow again. I would feel very badly if I’ve done something to piss her off. She is a great co-worker and she’s about the only thing that makes coming to work bearable.

I can’t make my damn GYN appt for this week, dammit. My monthly visitor has arrived. Dammit, dammit, dammit; that’s why I was trying to get my regular doc to respond faster. Now, I’ve got jury duty for two weeks starting the 5th, and I won’t be able to get in then. My trip to Hawaii starts the 31st. I was trying to ensure I wouldn’t be enduring another monthly visitor because I’m completely out of whack now. Looks like I’m freakin’ screwed now. Dammit to hell!

Sheesh…lots of dammits today.

I’m going to see about cooking dinner, after I blow my nose yet again.

<hands **Taters **a tissue>


I missed you guys, there was just no way I could keep up or participate.

rigs, I had my gallbladder out. It caused a lot of trouble for such a small organ. The reason it took so long to get it out was because my doctor kept insisting that there was no medical reason for me to be in pain. I finally went in to urgent care, got an ultrasound the next day, a diagnosis and scheduled for surgery the day after that.

Well done. And yay for no more pain! And don’t scratch your stitches and don’t overdo! This is an order. You may feel 100% better, but your body still needs to heal. Rest, adequate hydration and nutrition and mild exercise. Make it so… <gestures regally>
Off to bed soon.


Home. More work tomorrow.

Shadow!!!1one! Welcome back!:smiley:

Me, too. GMTA.


Nava, cute kid.

taxi, did you do any gambling in Vegas?

Hey y’all! Late as usual.

Welcome back, Shadow!

Saw your pix, Nava - your niece is so cute! Loved the costume pic also.

My Monday went something like this:

Woke up, got myself and the Princess dressed, dropped her off at school late (her teacher is gonna kill me.)

Got to work, had brekkie and caffeinated, checked e-mail, did some OMGURGENT!!!1!!!one! type stuff.

Went to lunch, headed up to the bank employee cafeteria that usually lets us outsiders eat there - not anymore. Seems somebody from one of the other county buildings made some kind of scene there last week (no one would specify) and got us all banned as a result. No more salad bar for me. Damn. Went to the cheap Japanese restaurant at the end of the block instead. Looks like I’ll be brown-bagging it from now on, unless I want crappy teriyaki chicken or Jack-in-the-Box.

Got back from lunch, saw someone who had an appointment with me, spent the rest of the afternoon filing. Took bus home, fell asleep listening to one of my podcasts, woke up in time to get off at my stop. I need more sleep.

Din-din was steak, tomatoes and rice. Now I am eating part of a moon cake for dessert, a gift from one of the Chinese ladies I work with. The Princess tried a piece and hated it; moon cake is an acquired taste, to say the least. Speaking of the Princess, tomorrow she starts violin lessons. There is a required meeting for parents, but I could not attend on such short notice, so her grandma will go instead.

WHY AM I STILL AWAKE??? Someone? Anyone? Bueller?

I think I’m allergic to the clothes soap. Bleargh, blurf and assorted grrs!

Well, then don’t wear any clothes, duh! :smiley: I’m sure the rest of the MMP will approve :wink:

Also – cute kid :slight_smile:

How is it that days of rest become the busiest days? And so, Yom Kippur, which should be the ultimate in doing nothing, turned into the Busiest Day of the Year setting up this and that around the house…

Let’s see – normal daily routine:

Get up at 7:00
Roust wife with the newspaper to check in bed
Roust twins out of bed
Make coffee for wife
Walk the dogs
Lunch and/or errands
More errands and/or chauffeuring kids to/from activities
Help with computers / kid’s homework / etc…
Me time!

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffienatin’. YAWN I don’t wanna go to work! However, I must.

Shadow welcome back! Glad you’re not hurty anymore but like rigs said, you gotta take it easy for a while. Stuff’s gotta heal up.

Need more caffiene and some brekkie accordin’to rumbly tummy.

Happy Tuesday!

Oooh…a rare Shadow sighting! Glad to see that you managed to get something sorted out, and please take rigs’ advice about the rest and recovery! Does this mean you’ll be coming to play here more often?

I had a bad night, I was pretty tired but woke up after about 2hrs sleep (something on my mind so I had to get up and write myself a note to remind myself to do the thing I’d forgotten) then I just couldn’t get back to sleep. What’s that all about? Anyway, today I am feeling pretty blurfy and I have to go to a meeting in half an hour that I really could do without.

The good news is that it’s pay day in Faerieland! Woohoo! I am solvent for the next couple of days until all the bills get paid.

Taxi, your trip to Vegas sounds like my last one. I swear I came home several inches shorter after all that walking. I still have to sort out my pics from New Yawk, I did get the camera out but I haven’t had time to sit and sort them out yet. Bah.

Mornin’ all - up and caffeinated here. :slight_smile: Yes, that is a happy face; I feel much more rested this morning after getting a good night’s rest last night.

Welcome back, Shadow! And glad to hear that the offensive gallbladder is gone - gallstones can cause very bad pain, and I know.

Full day of work ahead, hugs and good thoughts to all, and happy Tuesday. :slight_smile:


Nooner, could the US borrow Bibi Netanyahu for about 4 years? Y’all can have Obama and Congress in exchange. The dude displayed class and a big ol’ pair last week at the global nutfest. Stuff our government definitely lacks.

Swamps, the sheriff declared my apple crisp ‘righteous’ at the department dinner. :smiley:

Ribs in the slow cooker for my family’s dinner tonight while I’m at work. Will I see any? Only the magic 8 ball knows…

OK, I made it all the way to work, despite the fact that it’s cold and rainy. Again.

So, now that I’ve achieved that much, can I turn back around and go to bed now?


Good morning!

Hiya, Shadow! Welcome back!

Read a bunch, retained little. Back to the $%#%@ online training. :frowning:

Forgot to say earlier – Hi, Shadow!!! Glad things are better for you :slight_smile:

Dude, you can have him on a permanent basis… Yeah, he can talk the good talk; but he has yet to show he can walk the walk. Ever. On anything. OK, anything except Economic Reform – he did yeoman’s work as Minister of Finance a few years back, coming out of the previous recession here.
He’s also far too indebted to (IMHO) LoonyFringe elements on the Far Right of the political spectrum to actually really do anything pragmatically in terms of (diplomatic) foreign relations. But that’s more of an IMHO (and a situation he inherited from the voting habits of the public) rather than objective criticism.

If you’ve trained the animals right, they’ll keep some for you. If not, maybe it’s time to consider re-stocking the menagerie with better behaved specimens :smiley: