A Because I Know How Much My Life Fascinates Y'all MMP


It’s wet. And cold. And dark. And I slept through both my alarms because The Boy accidentally turned the volume on the clock radio to something inaudibly low.

Can I just crawl back into bed for the rest of the day? kthx.

No? Fine then… here’s the list for today, in that case:

  • Blink sleepily at the computer until 11am
  • Ponder doing some work from 11am-noon
  • Eat lunch
  • Ponder doing work again from 1pm-4pm
  • Wonder if I can head home from 4pm-5pm
  • Head home
  • Do dishes and clean the kitchen
  • Wash some laundry
  • Cook dinner for The Boy, Miami Friend and Pennsylvania Friend (we’ve got a full house)
  • Shuffle to bed

Boss Guy isn’t around today. Again. I know my resume says I’m a “self-starter” and “work well independently”, but someone does need to throw a little work my way from time to time. :stuck_out_tongue:

Nava, your niece is keeeee-ute! Those chubby cheeks are just begging to get squished. :slight_smile:

waves hello to all the new Mumpers

All applications will be given due consideration. Applicants should be aware that Her Royal Highness is prone to sudden mood swings and fits of temper. The successful applicant will be contacted by telephone. :wink: :smiley:

Two totally cute kids!!

Woke up and checked e-mail
threw some laundry in
checked the wood I stained last week to see how the colors blended
checked news
stopped at hardware store on the way to work
got to work and checked here
will leave work to start dinner
wife and I will stop at something at a local bar called Bad Movie Monday (tonight is Frankenfish)
check stain and use thinner on any parts still tacky
shower and sleep
Actually for me this is a sort of slow Monday. I have a bad habit of burning the candle in 5 or 6 places at once.

Woke up the first time at 3:00 am when hubby’s alarm went off. Woke up in 15 minute intervals until he finally quit hitting the snooze, took a shower, and went to work.

Woke up again at 5:00 and then ten after and rolled out of bed.

Took a shower (snuffling and snuffling and snuffling).

Dried my hair, blew my nose about a gajillion times, put on make-up and clothes and left the house.

Stopped for my usual quad shot Americano and a pack of smokes (yes, I failed at quitting).

Fought traffic and cursed at stupid and rude drivers whose time is waaaaaaay more important than mine.:mad:

Got to work. Blew my nose a bunch.

Cursed because I left make-up at home. No, I don’t usually take my make-up to work, but when I have a cold, I like to touch it up so I don’t look totally lilke Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.

Chatted about the weekend with co-worker while simultaneously reading and cursing at my email.

Yes, I’ve done a lot of cursing today (most of the cursing was in my head).

Plan to try and make it through the workday.

Have to call gyn because my regular doc can’t figure out why I have abnormal cells on my cervix. Rule out tests came out negative, so off the GYN for me. Sigh…

Have to try and make it through work.

Have to stop at the grocery store on the way home from work because I forgot to buy shampoo and mouthwash the other day.

Cook dinner.

Check personal email and Facebook.

Try hard not to collapse because I fee like utter crap.

Go to bed at a reasonable hour and hope I can sleep through the stuffed head and ringing ears.

Totally exciting day, isn’t it?

I am wearing boots today! Woot! I love boot season. Boots are superior to all other shoes.

Cute kids! Having dark hair and eyes myself, I’m partial to kids with dark brown eyes and hair.

OK, today:
lunch (at home! I love living close to work!)
something on TiVo

Vacation recap:
Denver: food, walk, aquarium, food, walk, state capitol, walk, hot tub
Train: food, rolling hills, food, stony fields, mesas, food
Salt Lake: walk (well really hike) to state capitol, Temple Square, food, car, Antelope Island, hike, antelope, buffalo, lizard, hike, plane
Vegas: Monday night - scary shuttle ride, Bellagio fountains, conservatory (all decorated for fall… cool stuff), Ceasar’s, talking statues, curving escalators, FAO Schwartz; Tuesday - walk (on now aching legs), Flamingo including flamingo feeding, Venetian, Mirage, Bellagio buffet for lunch, walk a mile to the Atomic Testing Museum, walk around UNLV, food at a funky taco place called Yayo Taco, watch planes flying in, walk back to the strip, Paris; Wed - walk the entire strip (on still aching legs), MGM Grand, NY NY, Excalibur (cheezy!), Mandalay Bay, Luxor, MGM Grand (for the now-on-display lions), Spice Market buffet at Planet Hollywood (formerly Aladdin, which makes a lot more sense for Spice Market), walk more, Wynn, Treasure Island, bus to Downtown/Fremont St, walk more, bus back, dress up a bit, dinner at Sushi Roku, chocolates from Vosges (gooooooood stuff!), sleep; Thurs - KT picked up car, I checked out, breakfast at Peppermill (cheesy, Perkins-meets-Las Vegas-style diner), drove to Hoover Dam, took short tour, back in car, drove to Mt Charleston, took in the cooler air and gorgeous scenery, drove to airport, flew home.
Crashed for weekend.
Company for dinner Sunday.

Ok, yahd mowed, nap taken, laundry still in process. Leftovers have won out for dindin. Look at me accomplishin’ my nonstop fun whirlwind madcap day! :smiley:

Taters feel better and here’s hopin’ everything’s ok medical wise.

taxi’s back! YAY!!! Your trip exhausted me. I may need another nap.

Well, Dang! Where is everybody?

Change of dindin plans. Once again I have been told, told mind you, that I am bein’ taken to dindin. We are goin’ to the local good seafood place. What can I do? He got all butched up about it again and insisted on takin’ me out for dindin. :smiley:

Why would you repeat a flu shot? :confused: :smiley:

My Monday:

Kill alarm
Get up
Get hubby up
Get dressed
Get kids up
Give kids clothes
Shove daughter in shower
Make sure daughter has diabetes kit and medic alert necklace and enough insulin and test strips and carbs written down for lunch
Get breakfast
Shove family out the door
Shove two kids, backpacks, diabetes kit, violin and cello in the back of a small Grand Am (i.e., stuff the clowns in the clown car)
Throw kids off at school
Go to work
Leave work
Go home
Check homework
Have dinner
Play with kids
Kids shower
Get shower
Set alarm
Listen to XM to relax
Go to sleep

Repeat, except for violin and cello: strings class is only on Mondays.

Get up
take dogs out
feed dogs
water dogs
Throw some food in a bag for lunch
stop for gas on the way to work
work out
come home
take dogs out
give dogs treats
vacuum car
wash car
feed dogs
log on to MMP
That pretty much brings us up to date. :smiley:

I’m taking leave the week of Columbus Day and Thanksgiving. That’s all that’s planned.

Time to think about supper…


Supper has been decided upon - we’re off to Bert’s for a burger. nom nom nom

waiting for the next representative…
my call is important to them…

It is important Soapy but so are the nine thousand other calls that called in before yours. Even though I am sure yours is the most important one of all. :smiley:

I am back from being forced to go out to dindin and eat broiled shrimps. Don’t y’all just pity me!

Need to get clothes and stuff ready for tomorrow cause the work week starts anew. Ick.

Back from Bert’s. I just got a cheeseburger, but I finished it off with a chocolate shake. I’s stuffed. Almost time to assume the knit position.

There was work, work, work, now I’m catching up on some TV online (well, it’s on in the background) and catching up on the MMP.

Totally missed out on Ellen’s newly-minted modness, so her post didn’t make sense till swampy kindly interpreted. Congrats again! Hope this means you’ll stop by the MMP more often.

Welcome back, taxi! Sounds like it was a fun vacation.

Gotta get ready for my trip tomorrow. Also gotta do a few last-minute e-mails. And a letter of recommendation that I meant to do yesterday.

Back after I’ve located some food.


Wake up to the clanging of the garbage trucks
Try not to scratch incisions
Feed cats
Wander over to computer and surf for a while
Decide that today is the day I can wear real clothes
Wonder if I’ve waited too long on the long haired cat’s panty shave
Hear ominous noises and realize that I have, in fact, waited too long
Clean cat, clean floor, clean cat again, ponder scrubbing the and realize that for all the “call me if you need anything,” asking someone else to scrub cat poop off my floor really is a bridge too far
Scrub cat poop off of carpet
Try not to scratch incisions
Realize that thinking about food isn’t actually the same as eating food
Go to grocery store
Become overwhelmed by all the choices
Come home and put groceries away
Eat a late breakfast
Surf the internet for a while
Try not to scratch incisions
Take a nap
Feed cats lunch
Surf the internet
Eat late lunch
Take a walk
Try not to scratch incisions

So, uh, hi. The last 6 months or so have been really, really sucky and painful and confusing, but I had surgery last week and I feel like a new woman. I had no idea how much pain I was in until it stopped. I have so much energy now, it’s hard to keep from overdoing it. I don’t hurt! I can think clearly! I can get out of bed in the morning! I can follow a thread on the internet without getting lost between one thread and the next! I’m very happy right now. :smiley:

Whoa!!! It’s Shadow! I was just wondering about you the other day. Glad you’re doing better! Hope to see you around here more…


Friday’s general activities were…

Wake up
Drink two hours of sleep (aka two cups of coffee)
Log in and start working
Log out after four hours of insanity
Go to attorney’s office and sign stuff
Eat terrible lunch from McDonalds
Drive to Faire site
Recoil in horror of seeing thermometer - 100 degrees at 4PM
(Is it too late to go back home where there’s air conditioning?)
Give the lone security person at gate a bottle of Gatorade
Have dinner
Sweat some more
Go to sleep

It was absolutely, revoltingly, stinking hot at Faire this weekend. I think 100 on Friday afternoon was the cool day. The EMTs were very busy scooping people up and trying to mix some water back in and pour them back into their bodies. I heard of one person that was so bad they needed IV hydration and a trip to the closest hospital. I’m happy to say that nobody in my guild or DH’s guild got to the point of needing medical attention. No shortage of “I’m gonna get some water, take my doublet/bodice off and sit down” though.

Had a good giggle on Thursday or so. I was at a traffic light. Directly in front of me is a two-lane freeway ramp. Next to me on the right is a car. <vrooom! vroom!> Do they want to drag? Almost sounds like it, revving the engine at a red light like that. The light turns green.

I step on the gas, cross the intersection and proceed up the ramp in a fashion suitable for a law-abiding, almost middle-aged homeowner that’s never had so much as a speeding ticket. The car that was next to me is slightly behind in the other lane and trying to pass. <Bwrowwwwwrrrrr> <shift> <BrwowwrrRRRRRR> <blup> <brubbububbubbubbbubbubbubbubbubb> and they’re no longer aside me.

I look in the rearview, and they’re pouring out clouds of smoke. No idea if they blew a head gasket or threw a rod, but they were going not very fast at all. Don’t know if they got onto the freeway or not.

Moral of the story? Don’t mess with big red pickups with the word “HEMI” on the side. :smiley: Kinda like an old Far Side cartoon that was something like some lions saying amongst themselves “Aww, don’t bother trying” as they look at a herd of zebras with “TURBO” on their flanks.

Hey, taxi’s back! Welcome back, lady. :slight_smile: Sounds like your vacation was… uhhhh… very eventful and not particularly restful (though, to be honest, that’s how I like my vacations, so that’s actually a good thing)

And Shadow’s back too! It’s like homecoming week for the Mumpers. :slight_smile:

I made shrimp and pesto and cream and feta and sweet pea pasta for din dins. It was good, though the shrimp were absolutely terrible - I’m not buying the store brand of frozen shrimp at the supermarket any more, because there oughta be a law against selling shrimp that are that awful. Hell, they didn’t even salt the poor buggers before cooking them, which is pretty inexcusable.

Welcome back, Shadow!

Well, it’s been an interesting day and I didn’t end up buying the van. Now we all just have to hope that my little SW2 can hold together until at least the Spring.

Onward and upward…