A Buffy Question

I’m not really a Buffy fan, but have caught it several times recently. FX shows Buffy during the same time as I am getting ready for work. Most of the other stations show infomercials so I often put Buffy on as background noise while I am dressing and stuff.

In a recent rerun Buffy had apparently just been resurected. Everyone assumes that they have called her back from Hell, but she confides in the blond vampire that she was in a good place and being called back was somewhat difficult for her.

Why did everyone assume she was in Hell?

It’s called rationalizing.

They assume shes in hell because she died closing a portal to a hell dimension.

At least thats the lie they’re all willing to believe. My guess is that they didn’t really know, but they convinced themsleves (or Willow convinced them) she was in hell so that the effort to bring her back wouldn’t seem self-serving.

The 'Buffy’s in Hell" thing evolves through the course of the ep. When the Scoobies first talk about raising Buffy, they talk about how they have a chance at bringing her back because she was killed by mystical energy, and Willow says it also means they don’t know where she is, and she “may” be in a hell dimension. Over the episode “may” becomes “is.”

And for the first 7 episodes of the seasons, Willow is absolutely convinced of this, and mentions it several times. She’s even angry that Buffy didn’ bother tothank her for “saving” her.

Also, I’m pretty sure that in the earlier seasons, when Angel was sucked through a portal that he ended up in a hell dimension. Maybe they were just reasoning from past experiences?

That’s what I assumed Cataclysm, but it’s pretty shaky logic. I think Willow took that seed of an idea, and ranwith it. Angelus opened a hell dimension that physically sucked Angel into hell. Poof, no more Angel and no doubt of where he was.
On the other hand, Buffy’s body remained in this dimension. She jumped through the portal, but she came out on the other side.

When Buffy tells Spike that she was in heaven, he seems pretty suprised, too. So was there actaully some evidence that caused him to assume that as well, or did Willow and the others convince him, too?

I’ve always wondered about that too. I figured Willow (or one of the scoobs) told him their justification(off screen)—especially since he asked if she was ok, and said he knew a thing or two about torment.

Thanks for all the answers guys.

I think they knew that hell dimensions existed, but Heaven hadn’t been confirmed yet.

Well, that’s how Joss’ mind works, anyway.
