A celebrity you don't like or a random Doper?

I got #97000 (the roundness of the number got me suspicious, but random is random), who turns out to be this guy, but he (?) was last active in 2011. I kept trying until I found someone active within 2018 and after at least 20 attempts got this guy who registered in June but never posted.

Just saying.

Ok thanks. That helps, but if all I have is a number, how do I connect that with the Doper?

You can hover your mouse over a user name and look for the string that pops up, which should read like “url=https://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/member.php?u=#####” with the last digits being the user’s number.

And if you put that string in your browser’s address line:


…and add some random numbers to it, you’ll be taken to that user’s profile. Once you have the name, you could write them a public or private message or send them an e-mail if they put their address in their profile.

Ah, gotcha’. Thanks.

It isn’t even close. The actors Stallone and Mel Gibson seem to be detestable humans, as are most FoxNews personalities and most of the Trump Cabinet and White House.

:confused: Czarcasm and Colibri are each Dopers I’d be highly honored to spend time with; I’m just worried they wouldn’t be happy to spend time with me.

Yeah, I’m more worried I’d be someone else’s disappointment.:frowning:

I tend to assume that most celebs want to come off as a decent person in real life, even if they play assholes. It would just be good for their careers.

So, if they can’t even pull that off, I tend to assume they must be colossal assholes. Like when people are surprised by Trump: what do you expect when he can’t even fake it?

Celebrity. Folks, I’m sure most of you are nice but very few of us are interesting.

Also, why is this in the Pit? Was it expected to get heated?

Too bad Charles Krauthammer is a dead Charles Krauthammer because I’m sure we would’ve hit it off with a sparkling, effervescent, almost bubbly little tete a tete.

A heart to heart…that’s h-e-a-r-t…

Check out the last line of the OP-he just had to get a personal shot in because of a disagreement in his previous thread.

The only reason to hang out with a celebrity I don’t like, is to be seen hanging out with a celebrity. IOW, there’s no good reason, so, random doper.

Nope. I added the shot because I genuinely despise you and have for years.

Obsess away.

I’d like to have many beers with Czarcasm and Scumpup.

Have you any idea, I mean even an inkling, just how sad that is. You “despise” someone you’ve never had any direct dealings with, and yet you keep coming back for more. And let’s be honest, you usually end up on the losing side of those little altercations.

Me, well despise isn’t a word I throw around easily, but if there was such a person I reckon I might just have put them on ignore by now because life’s way too short for such pettiness. But you…fuck it, even when it’s a thread of your own making, on a topic that has nothing to do with Czarcasm, even then you still have to bring them up, giving them headspace and letting them mess your mood up yet again.

Please, Scum and Czar, there’s no reason you two can’t work things out in this thread for the rest of us to observe and make rude comments about.

Depends. Can the celeb walk out on me if I go into chapter and verse about why I despise him?

For that matter, can the Doper?

Please see posts 3 & 4.

Is it possible that the random Doper could also be a celebrity I dislike? What happens then?