A Couple of Questions for the Dead Heads on the Board

Is there an On-line equivalent to Dead Base, or can anyone recommend a good website that lists all of the Dead’s shows and set lists, preferably one that connects the Oakland shows with the big calendar events with which they coincided? (for instance: New Year’s, Chinese New Year, Mardi Gras?

I had the pleasure of attending the last of each of these groups of shows at the Coliseum, but honestly the memory is a little hazy for me, so I can’t remember for sure if ’95 was the year I saw Mardi Gras or Chinese New Year.

Also, does anyone have any suggestions as to where a “newbie” tape trader can begin collecting these days? I’d love to get the above-mentioned shows, some from the Knick Arena in Albany, circa 1989, 1990, and some from Eugene/ Autzen Stadium, summer 1994, 1995 (I think?). I haven’t been able to find any helpful places yet myself.

Thank You Kindly.

Grateful Dead Setlists 1975-1995

also, this guy has a bunch of shows and tons of links to other traders:

Steve’s Tape Trading List

Fare thee well…

Thank you, Demo! You’re the coolest!! Steve’s site there is awesome. Just what I was looking for.
Boy do I wish I had moved to Seattle before Jerry passed away. :frowning: