A couple of Word 2000 tech questions

Ok, I ended up calling Microsoft and they punted me over to to Dell, because Word 2000 came pre-installed in the Dell system I bought. Word was really funked up, and the Dell support person just had me reload. Great, most of the problems solved, except that all the settings I had were erased in favor of the defaults. I spent a good deal of time Saturday trying to get things right. However, there are two things left that are bugging me.

  1. When I attempt to paste a selection into text I’ve blocked out, it should replace what I’ve blocked. However, now it just pushes the blocked out text aside. I hate this! I’ve never seen this before. I do a lot of reviewing and replacing of text. Now I’m having to manually delete large chunks after a paste.

  2. Where is the option to bypass the “confirm delete” when attempting to delete a block of text? When I hit the delete button, I want the selected text to go away. Instead, I have to press “y” to confirm. How do I toggle this off?

As an aside…is there any way to password protect a folder? I can lock a document okay, but I’d like to figure out how to secure an entire folder at once.

Any help would be much appreciated.


pick Edit

check the box “typing replaces selection”

you may need “drag and drop text editing” also

I’ll look for the others

Thanks for the help, starfish. I’ll check that when I get home. The original problem I was having was within the “Tools” menu. Selections that I needed, such as “Options,” “Customize” and some others were totally missing. Instead, I was getting 28 selections for “Mail Merge”! That, and the fact that the Normal.dot template was always screwing up prompted me to basically have to start over. Hopefully the sequence you suggested is right there for me.

Also, the menus use an auto-collapse so not all selections are shown. Look for down arrows at the bottom of the selection list; picking it will show all selections.

The collapsed menus weren’t the problem. Even when expanded, I got additional “Mail Merges” and a few other options, but not much else. The drop-downs appear correct now, so hopefully I won’t have that problem again.

In my opinion, WordPerfect 8 is so much better. That’s what I use at work and it sure is a lot easier for me to get things the way I want. Word always tries to anticipate what I want as far as lists, indenting, and such goes; and usually guesses wrong. I’ve turned off most of the auto-fomatting-as-you-go to alleviate this, but it is still annoying. With Word, I also tend to get a lot of codes in the middle of a document (I do a lot of cutting and pasting from one document to another). So, I’ll be typing along and all of a sudden I’ll go into bold or a different font or size. With Wordperfect, I can edit it out using “Reveal Codes.” Word is not nearly as convenient, unless I am missing something obvious (which is entirely possible).

I should probably just install Wordperfect 8 at home and forget trying to manipulate Word.

I agree with you about Word and WordPerfect.

I’ll have to chime in here and agree with the Wordperfect supporters.

I also like Lotus better than Excel, as well. FTR

I’ve got Office 200 on my machine at work only because most of the stuff that comes down the pipe from the Home Office is in Microsoft formats.

Maybe as I use it more I will become more comfortable with it. Until then, give me WP anyday.

Er, that would be Office 2000 of course.

Office 200 was obsolete a long time ago. (Hee-yuck)
