"A Dirty Shame" worst movie in the free world?

Oooh, bad film. still voting on the Stupids, just to see if I can fool anyone into watching it.

Yeah, I don’t get John Waters.

I don’t think the movies are funny. It almost seems as if people are really “forcing” themselves to laugh at them.

They don’t even reach the heights of B-Movie badness because it just feels like he’s striving too obviously for it.

I’ve lots of John Waters sightings, BTW. The weirdest one was in a grocery store one day. He was pushing a shopping cart and all he had in it was 3 boxes of toothpicks and a few ears of corn. And there was a great distance in the grocery store from where he got the corn and where he was when I saw him.

Truly he is a sicko freak!

You don’t know the trickle-down, do you?

Schneider gets the scripts even Sandler won’t do, and what Schneider won’t do, well- that Chris Kattan’s chance to shine. :smiley:

My “worst movies” are movies I watch with minimal to no enjoyment- those would be Cool World, Mars Attacks, Robin Hood- Men in Tights, Dracula Dead and Loving It, Jurassic Park II (I liked III as I had low expectations which were surpassed) & Hanging Up (Lisa Kudrow, Diane Keaton, Meg Ryan and Walter Matthau’s last role- how could that not be good?!? Oy!)-- all of those but Dracula were made worse by the fact that I paid money to watch them.

Some of those named here I like- Blair Witch, Boxing Helena, Monkeybone (so much for my earlier Chris Kattan put-down), Natural Born Killers, I even got a kick out of some parts of Pink Flamingos (I FF’d through the chickens & Divine blowing ‘her’ ‘grown son’- I thoroughly enjoyed the Milkman-EggLady romance! It was actually a redeeming moment of sweetness in a vile cinematic sewer.)

Along with Pink Flamingos, a truly horrid movie I’ll only watch again to ensnare a friend in it- Naked Lunch.

(And yes, there are two things wrong with that title!)

Oh, thanks for reminding me about Cool World…I think I deliberately blot those two hours out of my memory.

Gabriel Byrne was almost as wasted in that film as he was in the Schwarzenegger Apocalypse film (whatever it was called).

I liked JPII, but only because they gave Ian some great lines.

I was particularly impressed that, several times during the film, they just put in a few seconds of a low-res scene from the video game, rather than filming a shot. I think watching someone play the game for 90 minutes would have been more fun.

My opinion on worst ever is Waking Life, mostly because it’s horrible but many, many people think it’s brilliant and insightful.

The votes are in…and it’s a tie!!!

House of the Dead


fear dot com

Congrats to both of our losers!
BTW, all you House of the Dead fans MUST read this interview with Uwe Boll trying to defend himself against his internet detractors. (“The big battle in front of the house with the MATRIX and TURN TABLE effects, over 100 blood effects and 11000 cuts in 13 minutes will be film history in a few years because in NO OTHER FILM EVER was a similar scene.”)

Insomnia had me watching HBO in the middle of the night when House of 10000 Corpses by Rob Zombie came on. I watched in an utter dread fascination wondering how much worse can this possibly get?

It did.

I dunno about House of the Dead, but Feardotcom struck me as just mediocre cable filler of the “thriller” variety.

I think Being Human is probably the worst movie ever.

I say “I think,” because I only saw the first six minutes. The three people I was with all demanded we leave the theater at that point. That is the only time I ever left a movie while it was still playing.

I stumbled on it twice mid-way through & felt the same way…

BUT there were moments-

Otis’s entrance at the Halloween ritual (Who’s Your Daddy?)

The Slim Whitman Massacre-

that smacked of genius.

Finally, I caught it near the beginning- it is a damn fine & FUNNY horror film!

YMMV, though

Well the Stupids isn’t really fair. It’s based on a series of children’s books where the characters are ridiculously stupid.

I don’t know if it is the worst movie in the free world but Dirty Shame had some of the worst acting I’ve ever seen in a theatrical release. So bad, I’m still wondering how Jada got parts after it. I see that Kenan didn’t.

Six minutes? How could you give a movie only six minutes? Did something really disgusting happen at the beginning of the film?

Believe it or not, nothing disgusting happened. In fact, not much of anything happened. It was so completely dull and unentertaining that my companions decided that our time would be better spent doing anything else at all, including staring at a blank wall in silence, though we managed to find something slightly more interesting to do than that, I seem to recall.

I am hoping that Batman Begins will finally, after all these years, purge the pain of paying money to see Batman and Robin.

::comes in to re-post standard response::


I second that.

Beer Drinker’s Guide to Fitness and Filmmaking. Should be required viewing for anyone who thinks s/he can make an independent film.