"A Dirty Shame" worst movie in the free world?

How can I get tickets to that?

By the way, I’d just like to add that I was at the theatre on opening day of A Dirty Shame. And I still think that the only thing more brilliant than John Waters and Tracy Ullman is the combination of John Waters and Tracy Ullman!!!

I noticed that the NC-17 version is now available on DVD. Is that the version you saw? If so, I’m jealous! The only reason that I didn’t buy it is that I also saw that there is a John Waters boxed set available (including the same NC-17 version of A Dirty Shame), so I’m going to wait until I have the money to buy the box.

I guess I just run in a John Waters kind of a crowd. If you had trouble with A Dirty Shame you’d best not delve any deeper into the Waters canon.

The scene with the chickens in Pink Flamingos! Holy Christ, sweet merciful Lord! The scene with the chickens in Pink Flamingos!!! Why? Why?

The chickens? The chickens?

What about the dog shit, man?!

For the record, I adore John Waters and Devine.

At least the dog shit wasn’t a danger to anybody. The chickens scene? Never in a millions years could you do that on a Union project, and of course the American Humane Association never got anywhere near that film! Waters justified the use of the chickens by pointing out that they did get eaten in the next scene, so they didn’t go to waste!

:stuck_out_tongue: Very true. I’ve got to defer to you on this point, the chicken scene was worse. The dog shit just sticks [ew] out in my mind whenever I think of that film. Divine was a dedicated, dedicated man to his craft.

Don’t watch Musketeer if you want a good action movie. Or even a bad action movie. Because it’s horrendous on every single level, mostly a waste of a decent budget.

Oh, this is the John Waters movie? I thought you were talking about the cinematic abortion A Low Down Dirty Shame, which even though I have not seen the Waters movie I am willing to wager is worse than the JW movie could ever hope to be.

As for my own nomination, there is simply no contest. I give you three simple words: Quest For Fire.

Oh come on, now. You have a 19 year old RaeDawn Chong wearing a costume of mud? What could be wrong with that?

Besides, any film with Ron Perlman in it can’t be all bad.

I watched Roller Boogie this morning with Linda Blair. It was all kinds of crap.

Obviously none of you have ever seen The Wild World of Batwoman. These films, most of them I haven’t seen, but they can’t come close to TWWoB.

The Brown Bunny

Plus, she teaches her captors how to do it in the missionary position, so there’s an educational benefit, too. Definitely not bottom of the barrel. Not even close.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. This is the very first time there’s been a bad movies thread and I wasn’t that gross violation of 35mm film.

You’d think that, but you’d be wrong.

I saw this movie for $1. I demanded my money back.

I can not believe that Happiness was mentioned in this thread. That is one of my favorite movies ever, it does not belong here AT ALL. Even if you don’t like/get it it’s still so far better than most of the real crappy movies listed here.

I also watched A Dirty Shame last night, and I thought it was remarkably funny. Not “worst movie ever” territory at all.

Smithers, release the hounds.


I disagree with the assessment of Casino Royale as well.

My pick? (Oh, the arguement I could start with this one):


Or maybe the version of the Fantastic Four that was made some time in the 90s so that the studio could hang on to the rights. Never released. Friend got the video tape, from whence my crowd developed the term “plot loaf.”

The fact you can actually quote a joke from this film would indicate to me that The Stupids has redeeming value. You remembered it!

I would certainly disagree with your assessment. I would not try to claim it is an “intelligent” movie, but it certainly had its moments. It is called The Stupids, after all. I think they did the title proud.

Unlike many “better” movies, I still remember several scenes, years after I saw it.

Tom Arnold’s version of “I am my own Grandpa” was a favorite of mine.

And don’t forget the scene where they end up in the astronomy exhibit after hours, and think they are in heaven. The janitor, with “Lloyd” clearly visable on his name tag, walks in.
(Not an exact quote, but you get the idea):

“I am the Lloyd”
“We’ve been mispronouncing it all these years! Praise the Lloyd”
As to the original post, I would not agree that A Dirty Shame belongs on the list of the worst movies ever made. It’s not the best, and not even the best John Waters movie, but it had a plot, the film-making itself was competent, the actors knew how to deliver lines, and I even laughed at parts. Could be much worse (and some are).

Oh no no no. That came straight from IMDB.