A Fairytale of New York -- Best Xmas song?

My favourite Christmas song is A Fairytale of New York by The Pogues.

I think it captures the meaning of the season pretty well. In the song, there are two people who have grown tired of each other, but then realize they really do love each other.

And the boys from the NYPD choir
Were singing
Galway Bay
And the bells were ringing out
For Chrismas Day.

Last verse is the best:

I could have been someone
So could anyone
You took my dreams
From me when I first found you
I kept them with me babe
I put them with my own
Can’t make it all alone
I’ve built my dreams around you

The Pogues, IMHO, rock. Where’s Bottle of Smoke to back us up here?

Right. The reconciliation I mentioned. I love that song!

Bottle of Smoke is around here somewhere. He posted in another thread after you posted here.

That is a great song, but i think “Oi to the World” by the Vandals still tops my list.

Oi! to the World is also a great tune! I tried to find it years ago, buit was unsuccessful. Now with the internet, I’ll have to search again.

She:“You’re a bum, you’re a punk”
He:“You’re an old slut on junk”
She:“Happy Christmas yer ass I pray God it’s our last”

I get goose bumps hearing that song.

How to say the best? I would say the best Xmas song has to bring tears, if only for a moment (and maybe only in your sinuses). I never fail to well up, cliched as it is, to “The Little Drummer Boy” sung by the Vienna Boys Choir, because there is personal special meaning. Even the little broke guy can contribute. imho

PogueMahone fucking rock. Was anything ever recorded when Joe Strummer replaced McGowan for about three weeks?

*It was Christmas Eve, Babe
In the drunk tank
An old man said to me
Won’t see another one

And then he sang a song
A rare old mountain tune
I turned my face away
And dreamed about you*

That’s a good one all right. Can’t beat a Christmas song that features a drunk tank scene.

I’m also a big fan of 2000 Miles by The Pretenders. (Interestingly, written in 6/8 time just like Fairytale of New York. Strange coincidence.)

The Ramones had a good one, too. “Happy Christmas; I don’t wanna fight tonight…”

What? Rasa’s quote, where Shane admits his love and vulnerability doesn’t count?

I agree. Off topic, but many years ago (1992 or before) I got an Associated RC-12 remote control Gran Prix racer. I painted it Kelly-green and white with Pogues titles in white script in place of “sponsor” decals, and a couple of shamrocks. I called it the Poguemobile.

Another Irish themed one that i love is the Elvis Costello/Chieftans collaboration on The Bells of Dublin The St. Stephen’s Day Murders

"And you have two sisters who’s name it was Christmas,
and one was named Dawn of course
the other one was named Eve.
I wonder if they grew up hating the season,
the goodwill that lasts till the Feast of St. Stephen.
For that is the time to eat, drink and be merry,
till the beer is all spilled and the whisky has flowed,
and the whole family tree you neglected to bury, are feeding their faces until they explode.
They’ll be laughter and tears over tea
and the beers mixed up with that drink made from Gurdis, cause it’s all we got left as they draw their last breath, and it’s nice for the kids, as you finally get rid of them, in the St. Stephen’s Day murders!

Uncle is gargling a heart breaking air,
while the babe in his arms pulls out all that remains of his hair,
and were not drunk enough yet to dare criticize
the great big hippertie he’s about to baptize.
With his gin flavoured whispers and kisses of sherry
his best kringeled shirt slung out over the shot
while the lights from the Christmas tree blow up the tele, his face closes in like an old cold pork chop,
and the carcass of the beast left over from the feast may still be found haunt in the kitchen,
and their life in it yet we may live to regret
when the ones that we poisoned stop twitching.
They’ll be laughter and tears over tea
and the beers mixed up with that drink made from Gurdis, cause it’s all we got left as they draw their last breath, and it’s nice for the kids, as you finally get rid of them, RID OF THEM!,
in the St. Stephen’s Day murders"

sung by Elvis, it brings a tear to my eye!

OK, OK, I’m here! Sheesh, some of us have work to do while we’re at work. :slight_smile:

I love this song! It’s my second favorite on the album (behind one that should be obvious). I dig the whole bittersweet our-dreams-never-came-true-but-I’m-still-sticking-with-you thing.

Got on a lucky one
Came in eighteen to one
I’ve got a feeling
This year’s for me and you
So happy Christmas
I love you baby
I can see a better time
When all our dreams come true

And Kristy McColl’s voice sounds really cool contrasted with Shane MacGowan’s raspy vocals.

One other Christmas-related song that I really like is Bruce Cockburn’s “Cry of a Tiny Babe.” If you’ve never heard it, you should seek it out. It’s a pretty cool look at the traditional Christmas story.

Oh, and MikeG – You’re right about The Bells of Dublin. That’s a great album. The missus, the kids, and I were just listening to it the other day when we put our Christmas decorations up.

[Edited by slythe on 12-08-2000 at 10:03 PM]

Well, I’m Jewish now, so I really should have a favorite Christmas song, but this is still it. The melody alone causes a physical reaction in me; hairs on the back of my neck bristling, eyes tearing up, etc. Add the fact that Kirsty MacColl might be my favorite female singer of the last two or three decades and I’m sunk.

The best one is by The Kinks, but I fail to remember the title, it goes something like:

“Father Christmas, gimme some money
we got no time for your, silly noise
we’ll beat you up if you don’t hand it over
save all the toys, for the little rich boys”

And it also has the best insult in any Christmas song
Ya sucmbag ya maggot ya cheap lousy faggot… It along with 2000 miles are IMHO the two best Christmas songs of the last 20 years. The best one from the '70’s is Christmas in Prison by John Prine.

It was Christmas in prison and the food was real good
We had turkey and pistols carved out of wood
And I dream of her always even when I don’t dream
Her name’s on my tongue and her blood’s in my stream


Well, there’s always:

I Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Claus


Christmas At Ground Zero…

Have you heard the Ronan Keating (of Boyzone) version yet?

“Fairytale of New York” is my favorite Christmas song, too, but my girlfriend hates it. She especially hates Kirsty MacColl’s voice, and she complains that the song sounds like something out of a Broadway musical. I can’t seem to set her straight. Maybe I’ll have her read this thread.

Ruadh you are a total musical thug!!! : )

I like Christy Moore’s rendition of that song.

The writer (Shane Mcgowan) really did express true genius in those lyrics, the struggle and hope of the immigrant,the pathos of mundane poverty.

Nothing much can compare.

Good God, man, and you continue to go out with her?

Well, she makes up for it in other ways…hehehe.