A few curses for by government

I’m putting this in the Pit rather than GD because I just want to vent, complain, bitch and moan.

There’s always something to complain about with any government. Complaining sometimes leads to positive change, sometimes not, but in any case it’s a basic right. I don’t expect perfect government, and I’m not prone to hysterical ranting. However…

In the past two years I’ve become emotionally fatigued by getting pissed off at the current Federal government, every single day. All three branches, although mostly Executive. For the first time in my life, I’ve been seriously referring to members of my own government with terms that would have been jokes or exaggeration for effect in previous years: “Warmonger”; “fascist”; “imperialism”; “half-wit cokehead chickenhawk”.

I’ve even used the phrase: “He’s a worse Attorney General than Ed Meese was.” Jesus Christ, I never thought that would happen.

I might as well break it down by branch:

Executive Branch:

Damn Bush for fucking up my country in general, and damaging my respect for the office of the President. Damn him for dishonoring his Oath of Office. And fuck him for being a whiney, small-minded bitch.

Damn Cheney for his dirty dealings with Halliburton. Where the hell is Kenneth Starr when there’s really something to investigate?

Damn Ashcroft for being a paranoid, religious-fanatic fascist, and for his unrelenting attack on the Bill of Rights (except for Amendment Two). (Check out the proposed “Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003”, which would allow the government to revoke your citizenship if you do anything they define as “supporting terrorism”.) Oh, and fuck him for being afraid of breasts.

Legislative Branch:

Damn Congress for, again, handing over to the Executive Branch its Constitutional duty and right to declare war. Damn the Republicans for… well, just in general. Damn the Democrats for apparently forgetting that they’re not Republicans. It’s not the job of Congress to support everything the President wants to do; that would be the job of a sham Congress in a dictatorship. Say, the Iraqi Parliament. What a collection of cowards, mountebanks, frauds and nitwits.

Judicial Branch:

Damn them for upholding California’s “Three Strikes” law, in a case in which a heroin addict was sentenced to 50 years to life. His second and third strikes were both shoplifting videotapes. I have to wonder what it would take to qualify as “cruel and unusual” for Justices Rehnquist, Scalia, Kennedy, Thomas and O’Connor.

Maybe I should start watching the Cartoon Network in stead of CNN. Jesus, I’m tired of this. Flame me, agree with me, today I don’t give a shit. Just fed up.

Great; I misspelled the title of my thread. Should be, of course, “A few curses for MY government”. The b isn’t even next to the m on the keyboard. Unbe-fucking-lievable.

Amen, brother.

I think I would much rather see you care about your country enough to be angry with the government when you disagree with them, than see you become apathetic and jaded. If the government is to reflect the will of the people, anger like yours will often be necessary.

Having said that, watch your blood pressure. And hang in there.

I’m afraid I can only give this rant a 9 out of 10. It’s got a good beat, but you can’t dance to it.

And you forgot to slam the Judicial branch for cicumventing democracy and appointing the Executive branch. Or is that complaint soooo 2000?

Well, I thought about that one, but figured it’d probably been done to death. Also, it brings up a question about my own principles – Suppose, in December 2000, it had been Gore rather than Bush who was winning on the current count, and then the Supreme Court had made the ruling they did, to not do any more recounting. Gore would be in the White House, but the Supreme Court decision would still have been the same, only with different results. Would I still be arguing against it, even though it resulted in the outcome I wanted?

In any case, I blame Gore for losing that election. I really thought he’d mop up with Bush in the debates, but he never seemed to really come alive – instead of talking about their real differences (on the environment, campaign finance reform, etc.), he let himself get bogged down in technical discussions about their different Social Security plans, neither of which I really understood.

Well, The 7 Faces of Dr. Lao is on cable, so I’m going to go relax awhile. Thanks for your time; sometimes it’s good to just vent.