A Fishin’ we will go. MMP

Thanks for the welcome. Is the FairyChatMomOverlord picky about her chocolate offerings? If not, I’ve got two more marshmallow covered chcolate eggs. Marshmallow and chocolate. You can’t lose wth a double play combination such as that.

I could go for pizza right now. God, I’ve got THE worst pizza and fast food craving right now.

By the way, swampbear, what do for a living? Do you host these fishing tournaments, or is it part of a bigger company that puts them on all over the state? I ask because, if you’re a fisherperson, that’s gotta be a dream job. I, however, am not a fisherperson.
someone said something about squids and marbles…and room 9, right? or is that for people new to the dope in general?

Thanks for the welcome. Is the FairyChatMomOverlord picky about her chocolate offerings? If not, I’ve got two more marshmallow covered chcolate eggs. Marshmallow and chocolate. You can’t lose wth a double play combination such as that.

I could go for pizza right now. God, I’ve got THE worst pizza and fast food craving right now.

By the way, swampbear, what do for a living? Do you host these fishing tournaments, or is it part of a bigger company that puts them on all over the state? I ask because, if you’re a fisherperson, that’s gotta be a dream job. I, however, am not a fisherperson.

By the way (yes, again), I’ve got to burst the bubble and veto some sort of “LOUNE Tunes” nickname. I just can’t have that. Just…throwingitoutthere…you know?
someone said something about squids and marbles…and room 9, right? or is that for people new to the dope in general?

…and then he puts on fabulous display how he leads the league in double and triple posts season after season…
crowd goes wild

You got Zithromax?! My doctor gave me Amoxicillin and I’m taking about 3500mg a day (875 mg horse pills, 2 twice a day - blecch!). That seemslike a lot to me, I was expecting to get Zithro or something other than plain old amoxi. I’ve been trying to eat yogurt, too but I don’t have much of an appetite. Not wanting to eat is how I know I’m really sick.

Well, good luck with your sinus problems.

Overlord? Hmmmmm, I think I like that. :smiley: And no, I’m not too picky about chocolate, although I’m not too fond of that cheap, waxy, bizzarro pseudo chocolate stuff wrapped in colorful foil that passes for Halloween and Easter treats. Some of that stuff is just scary… And while chocolate and marshmallow is ok, chocolate and peanut butter is WAY OK!

Welcome to the lair of the Cool Kids. Don’t put your dirty shoes on the good furniture and you’ll do just fine. And as for swampy, he’d have us believe that he works for a living, but my guess is that his tales of hot tubs and swimming pools and all that is a fake. C’mon, he lives in Jawja! That means he lives in a trailer with a rusting-out fridge in the front and a stinky dog under the stoop. All the beer talk is a dead giveaway! :wink: Plus he’s an old geezer, and he tries to upgrade his social status by telling all and sundry that I permitted him to take me to dinner once. Poor old guy. Pathetic. Harmless, but pathetic…

Ya knows I luvs ya, right, swampy?? Right??

AWWWW… FCM I knows ya loves me. [sub]Ya grumpy ol’ Broad![/sub] You’re my favorite cheap date evah! :smiley:

Welcome Loune! No, I do not do tournaments for a living. I work for a private not-for-profit organization that provides services to people with disabilities. I also get to run around the country several times a year making people’s lives miserable and getting all up in their business. It’s called accreditation. The tournament was a fundraiser put on by the local BASS (Bass Anglers Sportsman’s Society, I swear!) Club every year. I was just there for decoration and to make bbq sammiches and hand out beer. Congrats on the big grade improvement. It’s kinda hard to bring a grade up two grades, assuming that meant from a D to a B, so good on ya! Keep it up. I need people like you and Rifty to do well in school and get good jobs so y’all can support me in my old age. What? Somebody’s gotta do it!

I can’t take amoxi, or cipro, or levequin, or even plan old penicillin. I get violent reactions to those. Z-max, E-myacin, and Cephlax are the only ones I can take, and the Z-max is the best for this purpose. Plus now they have a Z-max that you only take for 3 days - but man is it strong. My insides are sorry already.
If you can’t eat the yogurt, take the acidophilus. Otherwise your body won’t be able to replenish the good bacteria for a while (and you’ll feel weak an icky even after the bug is gone) I’ve had a lot of experience with antibiotic aftermath. I was on one for 6+ weeks when I had my hip surgery.

I, for one, welcome our new FCM overlord…

And when I take over, rose, you will be among the last fed to the wild dogs.


Guess they cut the decoratin’ budget to nil this year.


You know I had to say it. I have visions of Swampy in a Hawaiian shirt and one of those hats with built in can holders. . .

swampy, I like the way you think about the “kids” doing well in school sos we can retire down ta the keys. Only eight more years for me. So, loune, do good or else me, swampy, ACBG and Mr. Anachi will be campin at your place in about a decade. :smiley:

Last night was poke sirloin chops, not <snerk> butt, on the grill. And some pretty good canned green and wax beans. Filling at least. I wish I knew why I cannot find fresh wax beans down here. Or fresh peas for that matter. I loves me some fresh peas but there must be a law sayin you can’t sell em in Flawduh. :frowning:

Sleep was not good, though. Stoopit chihuahua was antsy and kept running around the bed. Then at about 3:00 o’clock in the fricken AYE EM the industrial size garbage trucks were emptying the industrial size dumpsters at the high school across the block!!! That was some tremendous bonging racket, I tells ya. Mr. Anachi is gonna have words with the superintendent’s office today, for sure.

So, I’m draggin today.


Okay, first things first: Welcome to LOUNE, and alla you making water noises yesterday will pay in Hell. :slight_smile:

So, on with the story …

I left work yesterday in the kind of torment reserved for child molesters and people who talk too much at the theatre (Lissla will get that, if no one else does). By the time I got to the Imaging Center, I had to pee again so bad that I could barely walk. I went in and went through all my information with the Desk Lady, and she told me to be seated, someone would be with me momentarily. I replied “Seriously, I can’t sit down.” She kindly offered to let me go relieve my bladder a little. A little?? How do you pee a little? The answer is, ladies–you just suddenly stand up and hope you’ve got some good muscle control.

In for the ultrasound. The tech who was taking care of me was enormously pregnant, so I thought she’d be a little gentle. Nuh-uh. The over-the-belly rolly-part wasn’t so bad, except when she pushed on the still-pretty-full bladder. Then I discovered what “Gynecological Ultrasound with TV” means. See, rather than the TV meaning I’d get a little home video of my ovaries, the TV stands for trans-vaginal. So once again with the alien probe (although I was allowed to pee first). The thing is, unlike the doctor, the tech handed me the probe–I had a do-it-yourself ultrasound. And she didn’t show me the monitor like my doctor did, so I had no idea what was going on.

Then, I got farmed out to the CT center. where I was sat down in a Laz-Z-Boy while a very nice nurse named Don who looked a little bit like Santa asked me questions and told me about the CT. He then asked what flavor of contrast I would like to imbibe. “We have Banana, Berry, and Citrus–all equally bad.” I chose banana. It was pretty bad, but not nearly as bad as it could have been. Don gave me my first-ever IV hookup (accusing me of leaving my veins at home) and sent me off to what was labeled as the FEMALE WAITING ROOM (though I didn’t see the male one) to wait and drink my banana crud while watching Oprah. Oprah was getting her own CT on the show yesterday, so all sorts of techs kept running in to watch.

Then a nice lady who introduced herself as Diane came in to tell me I could drink the last cup of banana crud, and I needed to take off my bra if I happened to be wearing an underwire. Which, of course, I was. So I went to the bathroom (because I had to pee again) and took care of that, then when I came out a rather studly young man in scrubs led me into the room with the big machine. (Of course, I run into the one hot guy in the hospital while run down, braless, and full of banana crud.) I had been under the impression that I’d have to get undressed and put on one of those gowny things with no butt coverage, but all I had to do was pull my jeans down to my knees–didn’t even take my shoes off! (Studly Guy got me a blanket and left the room, naturally–I wasn’t feeling my sexiest.)

Diane told me all about what was going to happen, then gave me the IV contrast. “Now, it’s going to feel a little warm, but it won’t be painful–like a hot flash. You’ll feel it probably most in your face and your pelvic area.” To which I think That’s not so bad, it’s kinda chilly in here, a hot flash might be welc–holy crap, my coochie is on fire!!! But then it stopped, and it was okay, and they took all the pictures and the machine talked to me and told me to hold my breath, and all was well.

Then Diane asked me if I wanted a moment to put my bra back on before I left, and I decided that it wasn’t worth the time, as I’d just be taking it off when I got home, anyway. :slight_smile:

And that was the adventure. My doctor called around 8 p.m. to let me know he already had the results. The ultrasound seemed to find only one cyst, meaning the littler one had either just plain gone away, or been eaten by the bigger one. The Imaging Center’s treatment suggestion was the same as my doctor’s–wait and check again. So, I go back to the doctor in about two weeks, and we see what happens from there.

I still hurt a little, but I’m loads more relaxed about it. All in all, a good medical experience. Except for the part where I had to do my own alien probe, of course.

Can I have a really TMI post?

Well, I’m gonna anyway. So just skip this if you’re oogied out by women’s problems.

I went off the Depo (birth control) last month. Which means my last shot of it was December 2nd. That’s all good and well but now I have no idea how long it’s going to take to return to “normal.” I haven’t had a period since last May. So I have no idea when the next one will be. I’m not one to get much in the way of PMS either so it’s very likely to just be “surprise!” sometime. Ugh. This isn’t a good feeling. I’m totally paranoid about wearing any pants/skirt lighter in color than black. Except that I don’t have enough black to wear every day. So I’m wearing khakis today and really really hoping that I don’t end up with a big red spot on the back of my pants. (Yes, I have emergency pants in the car just in case.) Unpredictability is fine in somethings, but not in this! :frowning:


You may now return to reading. No more TMI from me for a while.

I’m busy, so I’m lurking. Carry on, and more TMI, please.

FCM can’t be the MMP overlord, because she’s nice, dammit.

I got it :smiley:
(but I think the actual quote does not include the phrase “too much”)

No, you’re right, it doesn’t. I took a little artistic liberty. :slight_smile:

What’s wrong with a nice overlord? I think that’d be good to have. All those other overlords just end up being jerkfaces. Or worse, asshats. So in conclusion, FCM for Overlord! Yay!

Welcome Loune. I think you’ll fit right in :slight_smile: . Hmm … Loune … Looney … crazy … Okay. Your new nickname is Nuts. :smiley:
Sooner or later there’ll be a Nut of the Day. But for now, the next Condiment …

Don’t applaud, just throw money.

btw - I’m glad things seem to have turned out for the positive - I know someone who had one of these cysts for years before it became an issue.

Good morning one and all, and welcome to the newbs!

I am feeling somewhat closer to normal and the crankiness has gone. You’re probably all thinking, “Well, thank goodness for that!” “She was downright bitchy!”

Drae, I’m sorry you had suffer with the sloshing and all, but I’m glad things have turned okay.

Swampy, I did like your MMP. Wasn’t last year’s all windy and cold too? Mayhaps they should think about moving the date some.

I’ll try to pop in later but now I have a lot of work to catch up on.

I’m really glad the medical appointment went well, Drae.

Welcome, Whatever Your New Nickname Is, to the MMP, home of idle chatter, demands for chocolate, recipes, bad jokes, and juvenile snerking. Make yourself comfortable.

What time should I get Mr. Lissar up at? He went to bed at three, but I need to know how the housework division is going to go so I can get started on my half, and then run downtown to buy wedding gifts. I’ll probably try to wake him at 11:30, and fail.

I want a self-cleaning home.