A follow-up on Tripler's offer re: flags.

I’m headed to Iraq for two months coming up.

If someone wants me to fly some flags over Iraq I’m willing to do so, with a certificate to go with it stating when and where, and maybe I can get the crew to sign it for you.

Just let me or Robin know if you’re interested.

Keep your head down and come back whole. Purple Hearts look pretty, but there are other decorations which are easier on the body.


Stay away from the camel spiders, I hear they eat komodo dragons! (Ok, maybe that video was just a little lizard, but it was still scary!)

I’ve seen a few in person. They are some beastly looking things, and they’re fast. You learn to check your boots before you put them on really fast when you see one of those monstrosities.

I wish I had an American flag. Not very easy getting my hands on a decent-quality one here, unfortunately.

Good luck, though, and stay safe.

I have this perverse desire to send you my big rainbow flag to send up and have everyone sign it for me, but I believe I shall restrain myself.

Shoot me a quick e-mail (in my profile). I’ll keep my eyes out for you. I’m thinking of a “DopeFest in the 'Deid”.

Heh, wouldn’t that be a hoot?