A Foot Cramp MMP

Just a cleaning or someting more substantial, rose?

Time to do my monthly ‘cash’ run to the bank, I am old enough that I prefer to do most of my daily purchases in cash rather than with a credit/debit card. That occasionally means I carry more $$$ than is probably healthy, but I don’t flash it or show off, so I doubt that a mugging is in my future (albeit I still practice good situational awaremess).

Also pickup the shirts from the dry cleaners. Those two bits of exercise should be sufficient for the day…

It’s a consult for possible implants or other corrective measures. No actual messing about in my mouth with dental tools today, but I still donwanna

I just rescheduled the appointment. I guess I need more time to prepare myself pshycologically

I went to see a musical last night. It was called “The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz: The Musical.” It was so good!! The music was by Alan Menken, who wrote the songs for quite a few Disney films.

I was out later than usual, so I blurfed rather late this morning.

Tonight I’m seeing a different musical elsewhere.

My turn to say: Blurf.

You guys should really have that looked into.

Squishin’ is done. Groceries have been procured and stowed. The dishwasher is open so the dishes will dry (I refuse to use the dry option when they can air dry for free without concern of anything melting.)

I just finished closing the house and turning on the air - it is *SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO *muggy already!! One could almost drown by inhaling too deeply!

What to do now?? What to do…??

There was a large brown bunny jumping out at people who were coming out of the subway. :eek:

Nesquik was giving away samples; including one in a mascot costume

One block later, a woman tripped while crossing the street, fell flat on her face, literally. Dropped her coffee, the lid popped off & it went all over the street. When she stood up, it was apparent she tried to clean it up…by using her dress as a blotter. :smack: Yeah, that’s the definition of a bad morning when you not only trip & fall in front of a bunch of people but also land on your spilled coffee.

Things [del]you[/del] Swampy want to see every day: spreadable bacon :smiley:

I live in a swamp, gills are a requirement if you want to breath.:eek:

A local pastime is watching the tourists simultaneously melt and drown as soon as they step out of their hotels.:smiley:

Never played with the .32 much but I did have a couple sets (pistol and rifle pairs) of .44-40 that weren’t too bad. Loaded with smokeless especially. There is a movement in the “gun crowd” towards the old black-powder-originally stuff as “Cowboy Action Shooting” gets bigger and folks are looking for ways around the 68 GCA. (Pre-1898 firearms aren’t considered firearms and don’t have to be registered or tracked)

The dude with the .460 had one of those too but single shot as well. That I did try. After the feeling returned to my hands and arms and my ears quit ringing I dug the bullet out of the backstop and kept it as a cherished item. I could e-mail you a pic if you send me your normal email address.

(It shoots through schools. :slight_smile: )

Dr. McGillicuddy – calling Dr. McGillicuddy. Consultation in Room Three please.

I don’t care what any New Yorkers think ------- Philly always had the cooler and more interesting subway. :slight_smile:

We are headin’ out shortly for an early N.O.L. I told OYKW that he had to wear long big boy pants, socks, adult shoes aka not sneaks, and a grown up shirt. If he wants to go to a grown up place then dressin’ like a grown up is mandated. He called me a meanie. :smiley: Also cloudin’ up and gettin’ breezy out. Hope that means rain is comin’.

What do you have against sneaks, you footwear snob?!?!? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m about to have lunch also. Gotta see what’s in the fridge…

I don’t think I have ever taken the Philly subway but I would submit that almost all of the subways are better than NYC. The biggest thing NYC subways have going for them is they go everywhere, and that is an awesome thing, but they are dirty, grungy, smelly, and certainly not works of art.

Montreal’s subway is super clean. Toronto’s is nice, too, but it goes nowhere. Also DC has the most artful subways. Chicago’s is even cleaner than NYC’s. While we were standing in the Chicago subway someone came and cleaned up around us, and it didn’t just make it grungier!

Happy ToosdaY.

It’s a cool sunny 73 degrees and nice outside.

Didn’t do much yesterday so I need to get busy today.

It is? Maybe compared to other subways in the world.

Doggio - assuming the e-mail you have registered with the Dope is right, I just sent a picture of the bullet next to some .38 shells. If you have a place tp post and share with the MMP, fee free to do so.

You shoot something like that and you gotta keep the proof. :slight_smile:

The only subways I’ve ever been on were in New York and Paris, so I don’t have much basis for comparison. I’d take a towel to sit on if I wore white pants on either one. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve been on subways in NY, SF, DC, Toronto, London, and Atlanta. AFAIC, DC ranks first, followed by SF; NYC is at the bottom of the list in almost all categories.

I now have a big container of chicken salad. But I think we’re going to have poke tenderloin for supper. We’ll see how **FCD **feels when he gets home.

I think I’m going to assume the position and knit for a while.