A Foot Cramp MMP

Meanwhile the heat wave here has finally broken and we’re back in the mid-80s where we’re supposed to be. It still hasn’t rained though. I wish it would. My herb garden is giving me pitiful looks.

gotti we had temps like that last week. Today’s high of 92 felt like Fall in comparison.

We shall now retire to the bedroom to watch teevee etc. I think it will be more etc than teevee. :smiley:

Nitey Nite Y’all!

It was 99 here today. It did hit 105 here last week. I am at the South end of the Bay Area, one of the two places in the region where it routinely hits the high on the weather reports (the other being Livermore). I am so glad I got solar. My bill last month was $12. Hee. I am making payments on the system but the savings on the energy more than offsets the payments. By a lot.

I drove today for the first time since the ol’ snaperoo with my ankle. I managed getting the scooter in and and of the car on one foot, so I’m feeling very accomplished today. And I got my nails done. :smiley:

I just realized that I forgot to buy the poke-chops at the grocery whilst I was out. :smack: Oh well. To-morrow.

I know, the shame. :frowning:

No, this.

I’ve got forecasts just about as bad here in the Sacramento valley, with Wednesday being predicted at a couple of degrees hotter than tomorrow. Frankly, when it gets this hot, a degree or two really doesn’t matter, it all still falls under “too damn hot”.

Especially when I work in a warehouse. Must remember some sport drink, since I’m not sure water alone will make it.

Papa Murphy’s (take-and-bake pizza, for those who don’t know) did dinner tonight, and I did get sandwich stuff and salad materials while we were shopping earlier, since there’s no way I’m going to want a hot lunch tomorrow. I do have Wednesday off, so plan to hide in AC that day.

Impressive, but looks to be quite the wrist-breaker. I have enough problems with recoil from a conventional shotgun.

Naaah - the only place out of bounds for me is maybe just the Russian Republic. But since most of the kin are either in Georgia or Komi I don’t worry about it too much. :stuck_out_tongue:

.45-70? I had a single shot pistol one of those once and it was a lot of fun for a while. Until I saw a guy with a custom made chambered for .460mag it after that it just seemed -------- small. He offered me a shot with it; I turned him down. One of the few wise decisions in my rather checkered life.

(What I really want is one of those .30-06 semi versions of the BAR. It’s just that any time I consider the cost my hand freezes in mid-thought.)

I wish we could have solar, but we rent. Three houses near us have had it installed in the past month, so we’re feeling left out.

I had my Grandfather’s Colt 32.20. Shot a snake with it. He escaped while I was blinded by smoke and deafened by noise. A cartridge made for rifles and pistols, wasn’t worth a damn in either.

A BAR would indeed be cool. :slight_smile: The USA didn’t send it to Europe in WW I, lest it be captured by the Germans. Clyde Barrow had one.

.600 Nitro Express(they make a version in .700 Nitro Express, in case the T. Rex is rabid, as well as starving):smiley:


But I believe that we are boring the ladies, and Mom.

Up, caffeinated, off to work.

I got almost 7 uninterrupted hours last night. I woke exhausted, but I didn’t dare risk sleeping in. I’ve got a mammogram appointment at 8, so I’m not only up, but dressed and breakfasting! I’ll need to leave in about 90 minutes. Since it’s in Leonardtown, I can go to Food Lion immediately after and restock my provolone supply! :smiley:

Not sure what else I’ll do today. Daughter left her EZPass with me - I may turn it in today, just to take a ride. There’s threats of rain which makes me disinclined to launder the guest bed sheets - maybe tomorrow for that.

Onward into the day! Happy Tuesday!!

It is a fine day over this side of the pond, just as it was yesterday but I didn’t have time to get into the MMP because life just overtook. I had a morning of meetings at irk and then had to leave for a horsepickle appointment in the afternoon which told me nothing apart from the fact that I am still alive and likely to remain so for a while.

I got home a bit earlier than usual so I made good use of my time - changed the bedding, did laundry and ironing, booked the car in for a service, booked myself a session with a personal trainer at the gym, rang my doting parent, cooked veggies for lunches this week, got a head start on veg prep for last night’s dinner, emptied the recycling box and put the rubbish out.

4th July isn’t something we celebrate over here but it being a Saturday, I will be visiting one of our local cities which has a free music festival over the weekend. And since they have had the good sense to book a band I like for 4pm on Saturday afternoon, I predict there will be good tunes and decent beer involved in my day.

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN 'Tis 74 Amurrkin out with a predicted high of 88 and maybe rain late this afternoon. The weather PTB pretty much said “possibility of rain late afternoon, but who knows!”

No real plans today. I could do some laundry. Or not. The big item on the agenda is N.O.L. at the Mayberry Cafe since for some reason OYKW is jonesin’ to go there. He’s buyin’ so I’m eatin’. :smiley:

Ok, that’s all I got. I need more caffeine and rumbly tummy wants to be fed. Then, well, it’s all up in the air. Sloth bear don’t need no stinkin’ plans!

Happy Tuesday Y’all!


What she said.

OP related: last night, I got my money’s worth. Cramps in both feet and my right calf. The foot cramps were the worst, because walking on them didn’t relieve anything. :mad:

Dishwasher is washing the dishes. Time for me to head out. I suspect when I get home, I’ll have to close up the house. <sigh>

I have a dentist appointment today and I have a major case of the idonwannas