A Foot Cramp MMP

I echo the :eek:, Emtar

I has a blurf. Had to turn the heat on this morning. I don’t like doing that because it makes my utility bill go up. But, Autumn is fully upon us, and I think someone is Westeros had something to say about the seasons as well

nettie, Count Chocula and vanilla yogurt doesn’t sound like a bad combo.

Emtat, that sounds like a hilarious birthday dinner straight out of a sitcom. :stuck_out_tongue:

I got ambitious and have a more-fancy-than-usual weekend breakfast in the oven. I put some leftover takeout rice in the bottom of a buttered ramekin, sauteed up some spinach and mushrooms that needed to be used with a chopped slice of bacon then put it on top of the rice. I topped it with a couple of aigs and some seasoning and put it in the oven. When it comes out, I’ll grate some parm over the top.

And that’s the news from scenic Middle Tennessee. :smiley:

I am making one more “call to alms” (pun intended).

Howdy Y’all! Today I have achieved deheathenization, N.O.L., and nappage. Go Me!

We made a big ol pot of vegetable beef soup and a cake of cornbread. It dropped down to 70F:D so hubs thought it was soup weather. It was very good. I have a bowl ready to take to irk for lunch and whatever is left after dinner will be frozen for future cold spells.

I am the laziest person ever. I have accomplished nothing this weekend other than soup. I think weekends should be three days long every week.

I’m with you on the three day weekends, butters!

I ranto the 'Boro for a CO2 cartridge for the soda stream this afternoon, then fixed my grandmother’s recipe for cabbage rolls (still in the oven) and prepped breakfasts/lunches for the week. Now it’s time to chill.

Ran errands and puttered and rested. Not a bad end for the week or start for the new one.

I am about to join OYKW in the boudoir. All this sloth has slap wore me out! :smiley:

Nitey Nite Y’all!

Made it through another day. But there’s beer in my glass and pig in the oven.

What does sloth taste like?:dubious::p:eek:

Something between a Meadow Jumping Mouse and Whooping Crane?
Sorry – Very Old Joke flashback when I read your post. :wink:

Happy Sunday!

What is left of it anyway.

Very aggravating and frustrating day.

Funny stuff right there. Still chuckling.

Sari do tell.

Just mad at my kid. He had a 3+ page paper due today, and he started it today. It should not be my problem and I should not let it stress me, but it does. He didn’t even know what he was going to write about until I came up with a topic for him. I usually enjoy listening to what he is writing and letting him bounce ideas off me, but not when it is last minute stuff.

I know I am so lucky to have a great son that I get along with. We hardly ever argue and it’s nice to have him around, he is such a help, but damn I get mad over this last minute shit.

I overslept and didn’t get near done what I wanted, and irk has been sucky. My next paycheck is going to be a joke.
I keep looking at my to do list and feel overwhelmed.

And stupid shit like I got my absentee ballot in the mail yesterday. This is it, I have to be serious now… and I still don’t know who to vote for. I can’t vote for him, but I cannot stand her. Just knowing I’d have to look at that face and hear that voice for the next 4 years makes my stomach churn. But voting for Johnson is like not voting at all, unless enough people do it to make a difference.

But the worst is the cat ran out the door when my son was taking the trash out and we can’t find him. We took a flashlight out to look for him but of course a dark cat out at night is not going to be found unless he wants to be. He usually comes when I call him but he is ignoring me. I told my son to watch him around the door but cats are quick and determined. I have to chase him away from the door when ever I let the dog in and out.
I was so sleepy and laying down when the cat got out, now I can’t sleep and I keep checking the door and calling for him. Of course he’s probably hiding in the shadows somewhere and I’m probably worried for nothing. I hope he’s sitting at the door in the morning demanding to be let in.
People drive too fast around here and I hope he doesn’t go out front. Or go wandering and get lost. Sah-son said he flew out the door and first ran for the front of the house, then turned around and flew into the back yard. Who knows, he may try to go back to his old home. Then again, maybe he’s out chasing whatever the hell it is that cats chase around at night. Or maybe hiding under the deck where we can’t see him.

I really like this cat, a lot. I’m worried sick.

I’m firing up Allie and Ava to direct “get your furry butt home” purrs and coos to your cat.


I have a short video that may (not) help you decide.


Kitty come home!