A friend of mine died today

That’s pretty much it. I’m kinda drunk right now, and a little freaked out. A man I saw on the street yesterday, just doing his thing, dropped dead of a heart attack today, in broad daylight and in public.

He was a smart beautiful person. His name was Shoe. Like what you wear. It was derived from his real name, which I just now realize I don’t know. Fuck. I don’t know what to say.

Life is a beautiful fragile thing. Treasure it. It’s 3:30 in the AM and I’m going to bed. God bless you all.


It is troubling when people just die.
They are here and then gone.
I lost my best friend, I still pick up the phone to call her.

Life, sometimes, is just too damn short. Farewell, Shoe, and take care, Larry Borgia. You’re a good person to care about him.

It is troubling when people just die.
They are here and then gone.
I lost my best friend, I still pick up the phone to call her.

(((hugs))) I am so very sorry.

Wow. I am sorry.
The sister of a good friend died suddenly last year, brain aneurism. She was very fit, a marathon runner even. It was a total shock.
(((hugs))) to you.

I’m so sorry for your loss, Larry.


Our mortality seems a fragile thing,
we are reminded of this when death strikes close.

Thanks for the replies. I should say he wasn’t my closest friend or anything. Hell I didn’t even know his real name. He was a drinking buddy and was pretty tight with this crowd I sometimes hang out with. It’s just that he was so young (45). And I’m 43. It makes you think about mortality. And he was a good guy. If he’d been a doper you all would have liked him, I’m sure. He was very smart and very funny.

I don’t know if it was his bad habits (drinking and smoking) that killed him, or a congenital defect, like what killed Jim Fixx and Joe Strummer. It’s certainly making me look at my diet and exercise habits.

All I can say is, “for now we are young, let us lay in the sun, and count every beautiful thing that we see.”

Sorry for your loss…but if someone has to go, it is far better to just drop and go than linger ill for a long period of time, and suffer, and have your family suffer with you.

Recently, at a local casino, on the way out there was a commotion. I glanced over and an elderly woman was lying still on the floor.

I didn’t join in the throng of people who stared, and security was already there.

On the way home, I thought, “how sad”. But then I thought, “who knows? Perhaps she was someone who loved to go out, play a little, and have a good time with friends. Maybe this was a fitting location and sudden farewell?” Then again, I don’t even know if she had died, or simply passed out for whatever reason. For all I know, she could be there tonight playing nickels.

Your friend was indeed “too young” to die, but I have to admit, when it is my time, I hope it is sudden and over with quickly, and that I have friends like you who will mourn.

Thanks again. His real name was Daniel Shaneen. I’m not sure about the spelling, maybe a doper of Irish ancestry could confirm if that’s likely. It was weird thinking I’ve been drinking beer and arguing politics with this guy for four years now and I didn’t even know his real name.

He was on the mall–the big area in D.C. with the Washington monument, the Capitol and the Smithsonian museums and war memorials–having a good time with his girlfriend on an unusually warm February day. Apparently he just lay down and died. He was already dead when EMS showed up. Note this is all second and third hand info. I can’t imagine what his girlfriend, who I barely know, is going through.