A Friendly Tip from the 'Beast

If you go to the store to get bubblebath… and decide to just get dishwashing liquid instead… and wind up accidentally buying Mr. Clean 'cuz it was on the wrong shelf… you… uh… well… probably don’t want to bathe in it.
Although you will be VERY clean.

Oh great. You should’ve told me that a little sooner.

Oh, my. Um, 'beast? Are you okay??? Is your hair the right color? Is your tub at least clean?

“Clean as a whistle…inside and out!”
-Radar O’Reilly

Do you now, by any chance, resemble Mr.Clean himself? (s a side note, I always think of him as being gay…I think it’s that earing and the VERY TIGHT shirt.)

Procter and Gamble has publicly stated that even a public figure such as Mr. Clean has a right to a private life, and they will not comment on his personal and private preferences.

yeah, I’m OK. No permanent damage… just some hives… and itching in places difficult to scratch in polite company…

Admit it, you just bought it for the Manly Man with the earring on the label… “This must be bubble bath for Manly Men.”

Hope the itchies are fewer…

One question. WHY did you decide on dishwashing liquid in the first place? What exactly made that seem like a good alternative to bubblebath?
Okay, so that’s two, but still…

And if you do get the dishwashing liquid, don’t decide to see what will happen if you pour in half the bottle.

It’ll be similar, or worse.

Glad you’re OK though.

well… I was thinking “I need dishwashing liquid anyway…” and those commercials fianlly sold me… you know the ones… “Your SOAKING in it!!!” I figured I would put that little thought to it’s rational extreme…

or not-so-rational extreme in this particular instance

Don’t mask, don’t smell…