A Genuine Caption Contest

I was hoping for some nastier captions, but this one works just as well.

Grats Quondam_Mechanic!

Along those lines, I was hoping that I could find something funnier than this picture, but I didn’t. Still, this gang will find something good, I bet.


Fearing a backlash to the Kentucky Colonel, Madison Avenue comes up with a new face for KFC.

WoW! It’s the Pullet Surprise!

They see me comin’, they hatin’.

Where’d the midget go?

… because no one likes cold chicken.

The latest overreach by the conservative christian group was not met with universal aplomb.

This is not what I meant when I said I wanted dressing with my chicken!

They ain’t gonna call me Butterball no more!

Don’t ask me why a chicken needs a smoking jacket; ask that kid.

It’s a Rhode Island Red White and Polyester.

Rubber Chickens are no longer taking any crap.

Can somebody help? I gotta lay an egg and my zipper’s stuck!

For conservative rural areas, WalMart’s fashion line added rooster chastity belts.

A chicken’s age is easily determined by how high they hike their trousers.

The Chicken Crossing Guard.

He’ll help you get to the other side.

First one in was my fave:

A close second IMHO was

Bonum_Legatum, you’re up.

OK - I haven’t posted a picture before but I’ll try now.