A Genuine Caption Contest

Is that really you, Auntie Em? After all these years?

When Mrs. Doubtfire showed up ten years later, his daughters began to wonder if his cross-dressing was more than just an endearing way to spend more time with them.

One of the girls from The Trouble with Angels was held back a grade 55 years in a row!

What is so wrong with showing my ankles? I fail to see how they arouse the passions of men!

Clever juxtaposition of Hopey there.

Suddenly it all became clear to Cindy. It was Colonel Mustard. In the library. With a lead pipe.

Okay, it’s about time to select a winner, but first, I have to ask:

Elmer, were you able too read the artist’s signature, or did you recognize the artist from the illustration’s style?

It was a tough choice–I especially liked “Uncle Dennis” and “Mrs. Doubtfire,”–but I didn’t think they could top this one:

Well done, Mean Mr. Mustard. You’re up!

Mid-Century illustrators are kinda my thing…But I recognized the signature before the style.

Image isn’t showing. You might have linked to a thumbnail of an image that was taken down.

Whoops, sorry, let me try again:


Donald Trump tweeting before smartphones.

[Aside to Elmer J. Fudd: I seem to recall that you knew about illustrators, so I’m glad to see that you know the work of Will Davies. I’ve seen a lot of his stuff in the past, and rather like it.]

Cover photo for The Idiots’ Guide to Zoom

Multitasking is overrated.

“They want me to turn around and pull the flush handle like a sucker!

Yeah, I know my camera is on. So?

This gives an entirely new meaning to the term “core dump”.

The guidebook SAID that these Japanese toilets have strange controls.

Smokin’ in the boy’s room! Yes, indeed, I was smokin’ in the…

What do you mean I’m in the wrong place?

Little-known fun fact: E.L. James wrote most of “Fifty Shades of Gray” while sitting on the john,

“At least my office door has a lock on it.”

Here I sit broken hearted
Tried to post but only farted