A Genuine Caption Contest

What? Don’t make a big deal out of it, it’s a cover band.

For the truly modest who feels burkas are too revealing…

Zip Zip Top, before they shortened their name and grew beards.

That one for me was almost a throw-away. Remember when those commercials were EVERYWHERE? I was happier with the Aw Capone one. Kinda like Cartman playing “Lambs”…

which one, which one. Let’s give it to Zip Zip Top

@Mean_Mr.Mustard , you’re up!

I just googled the commercial, but I’m still not getting how it relates to the dolls…

The dolls are arranged like the signal bars on a cell phone.

D’oh! Very good!!!

Thanks, Doc!


“This is America, where all you have to do is stick two things together that have never been stuck together before and SOMEONE will buy it.” George Carlin

I know, it’s a quote. But it seemed so perfect for the picture.

Darwin’s Muse

I climbed the Empire State Building and all I got was this lousy light fixture.

I was just gonna eat a candle, but decided I’d go for baroque.

'It wasn’t the airplanes, It was interior decorators killed the Beast.”

Tell me honey, does this fixture make me look fat?

And the mountain-gorilla-shaped sconce symbolizes man’s exploitation of Nature. In the gift shop, you can purchase them in left-right matching pairs.

There were a number of auditioners for the part of “The Lamp” in A Christmas Story, some stranger than others.

This year’s Darwin Award winner is…

:musical_score: By the light, of the Silverback moon…

(Trust me, you’d laugh if the lamp were somewhere other than his mouth).

Thomas Edison IS Dian Fossey in Gorillas in the Light