A Genuine Caption Contest

Two who are too-too in a tutu.

“See, it’s my wife who wears the pants in our family.”

The Swan Lake Conference of 1921 was another example of failed diplomacy in the period after World War I.

“Now, all we need are some bagpipes.”

Once the Transgender Lobby takes power, we won’t be funny at all!

There was a terrible mixup at the dry cleaners, but the Austrian delegation didn’t appear to be very bothered by it.

You should see the tops the Germans are wearing!

Some occasions are just too formal for ordinary kilts.

“He’s wearing a tutu… but a MASCULINE tutu.”
(special kudos if you get the reference)


“Traditionally, at the Kentucky Derby, the ladies–and their hats–get all the attention. Let’s make sure that doesn’t happen this year.”

“I can’t believe how bloody comfortable these bloomers are! It’s so airy down there and I can swing my John Thomas like a Cricket champion!”

“You didn’t put on the bra, did you.”

Tough choice, but the win goes to,

Good job, Mr. Kent!

What a surprise! Now polish up the ol’ caduceus and see what you can do.

I shall bear this surgery stoically while my beautiful ward weeps in my place.


(And other stuff because it says it’s not a complete sentence)

“You know, sir, most warriors get tattoos on their arms.”

Homer tried his hand as a tailor before he became the Blind Bard of Ionia.

“Rodin, you can start sculpting my upper half while the doctor does his thing. I’ll sit for the rest of the sculpture when you get through that.”