A Genuine Caption Contest

Bring me to the big cheese.

Frank’s parents knew that a deal with the devil rarely worked out well, but they wanted so much for him to be a doctor… But even they were shocked at what happened before he left for the Korean War.

The winner!

Thank you. Lettuce try this one. Click to see the full image

Maria used the “special” water that allowed the tree to escape the wall.

The artist planned to have her feet on the ground, but ran out of paint.

After receiving nourishment from a flat 2D source for years, the shrub suddenly announced “Gee, I’m a tree!”

This is actually a photo of a trompe l’oeil painting of a tree and building being “watered” by a real girl. The illusion is created by the 2-d photograph and clever lighting.

Bitten Street really takes its gentrification seriously.

Mary, I think we’ve found the source of the flooding.

Before Dave Thomas went into fast food, he had a short-lived experiment with a garden equipment franchise also called “Wendy’s”.

I will chose Quonam Mechanic’s interpretation. The unexpected reversal is stunning.

Take it away!

Thanks, Bonum_Legatum. I normally avoid cat pictures, but I think this one is kind of different:

“Fight me”

The guardians of Miao-Lin temple are versed in maneuvers unparalleled in the world of martial arts.

The Karate Kitty

Taking the term catfight to a whole 'nother dimension…

Having bombed with casting white actors instead of Asians in Iron Fist, Marvel studios went with cute kitties, demonstrating once again Hollywood’s pulse with the public.

Michael Bay reboots Garfield.

I like this’n:

So, Professor, find us a new one!

Ah, thank you.

Here we go: