A Genuine Caption Contest

Bronco Buskers

:musical_score: [Whinny] the Pooh! [Whinny] the Pooh!
A tubby little cubby all stuffed with fluff, he’s… :musical_note:

Now playing : the accordion opera version of Equus

It’s the Jar Jar Jamboree, for your polka pleasure!

…and a Horsehead is a person in your NEIGHborhood, in your NEIGHborhood, in your NEEEEEIIIGHbor hood… :musical_note:

OK, this evidently called for bad puns, and my favorite (God forgive me) was this:

Elmer, go git us a good photo.

Here we go…

Ogre babies can actually be sort of cute until their tusks grown in.

“You can take your ‘supply chain delivery problems’ and shove them!”

I’ve been transmorgrified into a 35-year-old incel! I can buy beer!

Are you my new parents?

Honey , I Grew Up The Kid!

“Jack in the Box” franchise’s sad attempt at a mascot.

The only difference between men and boys is the price of their toys. Except for Bob.

The winner,

Thanks, Fudd. Here’s one to think on.

I like my turkeys golden brown; not Alton Brown.

Lift those thighs
Lift those thighs
Make your butt a
Smaller size

Men Who Stare At Turkeys had some success with its pyrokinesis experiments.

The isolation of working from home finally got to Bob. He began to have meaningful discussions with his food and cleaning the kitchen to “white glove inspection” standards.

Maybe if I had made the S&M references MORE obvious, Cutthroat Kitchen would still be on the air. Either that, or I really shouldn’t have demonstrated their REAL uses to the producers.