A google challenge game someone told me about.

I though Googlewack involved their image search and the term ‘gopher girls’.

I think Googlewhacking rules state it has to be two words found in the dictionary returning only one hit.

asymptotal acorn

The version of googlewhacking that I’ve heard of gave you points. You multiplied the number of hits that each word seperatelygave.

So catsix’s asymptotal acorn would score:
asymptotal = 99 hits
acorn = 2,520,000 hits

Thigmotropic fjord: 546*995,000= 543,270,000

More than two words so not officially eligible, but anyway an actual search which gave exactly one hit:

“Rhythm is a monkey”

I fear chocolate will win the battle for the blogosphere.

You and me both, brother.

“paris hilton slut girl”

Here in England we have a chap called Dave Gorman. He made a TV show out of his search for other people with the same name as himself.

His next project:

“Googlewhack Adventure - The stage show”


‘shoehorn butterhorse’


‘Eskimo stagmire’