A great guy and poster, Q.E.D. {RIP}

Christ, this is a shock! I didn’t have much interaction with the guy, but his name was always a big presence around here. I didn’t know that he had worked for Mythbusters. How on earth did this happen? Does anyone know?

How very sad.

I’m sorry to hear it. I liked his psots.

What a loss.

What dreadful news! Sincere condolences to his loved ones. He will be missed.

Back when I was lurking, I always thought Q.E.D.'s posts were always a pleasure to read. When I joined, I looked forward to actually interacting with him as a fellow poster. Such a shame that I won’t be able to have that chance. :frowning:

R.I.P., Q.E.D. I didn’t really know you, but that didn’t stop me from respecting you.

I actually exclaimed out loud when I saw this. :frowning:

Goodbye Q.E.D., you will be missed.

Jesus Christ. 44? What happened?!?!?!?

Take care, buddy. You’ll be missed.

Goodbye QED. May your memory endure for a blessing.

Holy shit, no way. We talked on IRC in #straightdope for quite a while. Damn.

How very sad. My condolences to his family.

I wouldn’t say that I knew him, but, when I saw this thread as the last commented on, on the main page, I had to stop my usual navigation to threads and reload. I thought to myself,* he couldn’t have, did he? *

And well, in that moment I guess I can say that I knew him enough.

I haven’t been around here much myself lately, but, I think his impact here will be missed, even if it was muted recently.

perhaps I find the words hard, simply because they are. He will be missed here.

  1. Too young. Sorry to hear about this.

It’s always a shock when we lose someone but this is just beyond that.

When I saw Q.E.D. had posted, I knew it would be interesting.


Ah fuck, that’s terrible. I was sorry he didn’t feel welcome here after his suspension but I’d hoped to see him around again. My best wishes to his friends and family.

This is horrible. I’d missed him lately but never remotely thought of something like this. :frowning:
May he rest in peace.

Wow… I tend to be pretty bad at remember most Dopers as I usually don’t pay much attention to who the poster is while I’m reading a thread, but Q.E.D. is probably the first poster I think about when I think SDMB. He probably holds the record for most first responses to a new GQ thread, he could answer many different types of questions very quickly. And while it may have been a source of ridicule at times, he really was very good at Google-Fu :slight_smile:

Jesus, I thought this was a joke thread…

Oh my word. That completely sucks. I thoroughly enjoyed his posts, even when he was getting a bit “big for his britches”. This is sad news. I hope we can find out what happened.

44 years old.


I thought it was a joke, too. I actually did a full on double-take as I did my usual scroll past the stickies! This is so shocking and sad :frowning:

Wayyyy too young :(.

Rest in peace, Michael.