A great guy and poster, Q.E.D. {RIP}

Rest in peace, brother. You are, and will be sorely missed. :frowning:

Damn, that sucks.

If it’s not too rude, what was the cause of death?

I’ve been lurking for a while and even while i was here QED was always one of the great names…

You’re on my list of Legendary Dopers, and I hope whereever you’re at right now, you’re at peace.

It took me until the 18th post to for my mind to put together who it was. And then it hit me like a ton of bricks.

You were the first poster whose name I noticed here. Heck, your posts were one of the reasons I joined.

I’ve missed you since you decided not to come back, but now I’ll miss you a lot more.


I can’t quite believe it. It’s just terrible to lose someone like him.

Sad news indeed. He was one of the best on the SDMB.

My condolences to his family.

I couldn’t find anything else on the 'net, but I hope fisha can tell us a little more.

I meant to say in my earlier post that despite his sometime abrasiveness, Q.E.D. was one of the most enthusiastic Dopers we ever had.

Care to explain this ?:confused:

I assume I probably got the same email that the OP did. It was from Mike’s email address, but it wasn’t him writing it. “Unexpected” might have been a better word to use rather than weird, but all the same it just feels so fucking weird.

I saw the thread title and I didn’t believe it initially, because I had QED online on my IM, and I knew him to be relatively young.

It’s a great loss for our community. He was a enthusiastic contributor to these boards, with an abundance of knowledge. I remember when I was mod we changed the GQ forum description based on his recommendation to include “factual question” to the forum description. That will continue to remind me of him.

He’s still online on my IM. I left a message for his family with a link to this thread. Not sure if they’ll check in.

His IM status reads “Tony says ‘Mew!’” (Tony is his cat, whose pic is his avatar).

I’ll miss him. He was a great poster.

Terrible news. He was a very important part of this community, an invaluable resource in GQ. He will be sorely missed.

Goodbye, Q.E.D.

Frankly, the guy could be something of a prick at times. Especially rankling was when he acted that way to newbies or people who seemed like gentle spirits, the type that steered clear of the Pit and GD and then would get their head bitten off when they posted some innocuous question in GQ or somewhere.

Oddly enough though, I still kind of liked and respected him. And I was touched by his eagerness to help out when Domebo started up and by all the hard work he did there in the beginning.

All in all, I am very sorry to hear that he has passed and I’ll miss him around here, as I have since his suspension.

R.I.P., Q.E.D.

Damn it. This sucks. :frowning: And only 44!?!

This is terrible. **Q.E.D.**s posts were a major contribution to my fascination with this place when I first started lurking here, his name was one of the first I learned to recognize. This sucks.

I’ll miss him.

He gave as good as he got. He was a smart man with a broad knowledge base and a desire to educate in GQ more than a need to always be right.

He got a bit cantankerous towards the end of his posting career here, but was goaded. He put a lot of effort into the other board and never really got the accolades he deserved.

He never really mixed his personal life up with his postings which I consider an achievment. However, Mike, I am glad to finally know your name as I respect your efforts on both boards.

My condolences to his family and RIP.

A legend has passed.

I like to think that a doper’s family, especially such a respected and widely known member as Q.E.D. can read a thread like this and find some condolance in the many lives he touched.

Same side of the table or opposite sides of the table, Q.E.D. always had my respect.

He will be terribly missed.

Damn! A bad year in Doperland, that’s for sure.

Sorry Michael. You’ll be missed.

Always feel a sense of loss when we lose one of our own, but this is just staggering. If his family checks in I hope that they realize how many lives their son/brother touched.