A great restaurant in the Charlotte, NC area?

I’m headed down to Rock Hill, SC in three weeks to visit a good friend. Not by chance, it’s also the weekend of his and his girlfriend’s birthdays. I’d like to go out to eat at a nice place (but not too expensive…maybe $30-$40 a person?) I know that he and I love steak, and I’m pretty sure she does too. So while it need not be a steakhouse, it should at least serve very nice steaks.

Other than that, the only other requirement is that it not be really north of Charlotte, since we’re coming from Rock Hill over the boarder, which (I think) is about 30-40 minutes from Charlotte. I’d rather not travel an hour for a meal if possible. But if it’s really good, I might consider it.

A nice one, Mrs. Magill and I like is Red Rock Cafe. It’s at the corner of Providence Rd and Fairview.

I recommend the Calamari. It’s the first Calamari I’d ever had that did not have the consistency of rubber bands.

Not a seafood fa0 myself (nor is my friend,) but I’ll keep the place in mind assuming it has good non-seafood as well.

It does. Here’s the menu .

I also recommend the Chandra’s Caprese Salad to start.

For dinner, I like the Lemon Herb Chicken or the meatloaf. Mrs. Magill swears by the crab cakes. Honestly, though, we have not had a bad dinner there.

If that’s too far into town for you all, then I would also recommend Villa Antonio in the Ballentine area.

You might also like Firebirds. There’s one in South Charlotte (the Rea Rd. location.)