A is for acrostic (viz a viz the cliche in BOTH kinds of music)

Both kinds of music being country and western, of course.

So in old timey C&W music it was common for there to be a sugary, overly-sentimental, and twee acrostic to be inserted into the song. A parody thereof can be found here at the 2:20 mark. T is for Dolly Parton, indeed.:wink:

However, I’m damned if I can think of an authentic example of what this is poking fun at. Can anyone point me to some off the top of their heads?

Just offhand it sounds like a borrowing from that old “M is for the many things she gave me…” MOTHER thing.

See M Is for the Many things she gave me … | RegenAxe for one version.

A more modern version…

Loverman–Nick Cave

Indeed! Doesn’t qualify under the “sugary, overly-sentimental, and twee” criteria, but I’m always happy to see how these things manifest across genres!:wink: