A Lame Rant, but I'm pissed

At the beginning of the year, I was assigned leadership over a test analysis for a potential client. Very big client - great opportunity. I ended up completing a HUGE job in 2 weeks, I busted my ass. I oversaw the other two test jobs and did all of the follow-up work, in addition to an extra job thrown onto the end. Well, last week we got notice that this particular huge company has signed on as a client and they were building a team. This team is headed up by my boss - the person who oversaw MY work on this project. She is leaving my team to head up this new one.

Well, I figured that since I did so fucking much with this client and have been told many times that I was instrumental in their signing - hell, I might as well post for the supervisor position. A lot of work, yes, but also a shitload more money than I’m making now. So I posted for it.

I get called into my boss’ office on Tuesday morning - she basically says that she can appreciate that I want to be a supervisor, but that I need more experience. Well, fair enough, I guess. Or is it? I talk to my good friend/coworker, who has quite a bit less experience, and SHE has an interview that afternoon. What the fuck? She posted primarily to get her name out - to let people know that she is interested in advancing in the company. She’s pissed off that they refused to let me interview and our old boss - a Divisional President - is pissed off, as well. My friend goes to her interview with the Divisional President who is hiring for that job (not the same as the other one) and does rather well, she says. She also tells me that she brings my name up numerous times just because she’s pissed that I got screwed. I love that girl.

Well, come this morning and guess who got the job? Yep. My friend. I guess experience wasn’t that important, now was it? Turns out that the President who was hiring had pretty much picked her out from the beginning and was going to hire her, no matter what my experience or knowledge of this client (and no matter what any other applicant was ready to bring to the table). Of course, she’s thrilled but also pissed at how I was treated. To be fair, I’m not mad at her AT ALL - I’m proud of her. She’s one of the hardest-working, most dedicated, and most talented people I’ve ever worked with and is also one of my best friends. I really have no problem losing out to someone like her - I DO have a fucking problem when I get a Nancy Kerrigan pulled on my ass and am not even allowed to put myself out there for a job I’m obviously qualified for. This is the first thing to piss me off.

Well, my friend is the only person who does the work for our OLD division … so what is to be done with it now? Yeah, it’s mine now. I AM that entire division now, since downsizing has cut it to pieces. So basically, from now on, I will be doing the jobs of an analyst, an analyst supervisor, an account supervisor AND I still have to do all of the shit I am normally doing for my current division, which usually has me assigned to at least three clients at a time. What is my compensation for this? Well, it starts with N and ends in G and in the middle is OTHI. Jack. Nada. All this despite the fact that when my friend only took over our old division a couple of WEEKS ago, she was given a raise to compensate her for the added responsibility.

I was told that they would try to get me to head up some larger projects to “gain experience” and let me finally be qualified to even fucking INTERVIEW for a promotion. How am I supposed to find the time for this when I’m working my ass off on my normal job and my new responsibility of doing the jobs of 5 other people? Basically I’m fucked. And all this after I was told by my OLD boss that out of all the people who do my type of job in the company (100+ people), my name gets brought up at corporate meetings more than ANYONE else’s (in a good way!).

Fuck. It’s nice to know that all of the hard work and thought and overtime I put into signing this client only resulted in me getting fucked in the end. If I had known that, I would have done a half-assed job so they’d never fucking signed.

Yeah, it’s been a fun week. :mad:

I feel for you. Corporate politics suck. It’s nice to see that you are still happy for your friend. This speaks volumes about your professionalism. Keep working hard and do your usual outstanding job. At the same time, look for something else. The best revenge will be when you leave. When HR asks why you are leaving. Professionally tell them the story.
