A letter to lswote, self-absorbed turd

Cool. Our necromancy is working!

Now to bring back Dick Nixon to rescue the Republican party from its future.

Now all we need is WallyM7.

Welcome back, let me fill you in.

No, there is too much. Let me sum up.

The presidency has been “filled,” in a manner of speaking, for the last four years, by an America-hating fuckstick. The America-hating fuckstick was defeated in his reelection bid last month, but threatens to conjure an army of flying monkeys (metaphorical) capable of causing enough chaos to permit him to remain in office.

Oh, and we’re still doing Princess Bride jokes…


@Esprix, @Leaffan, and @UltraVires all back from beyond on the same day!

Is it a sign that the end-times are near?!?

Welcome back, all.




Even though my reappearance was a couple weeks ago, can I join in on the resurrection party?

The more the merrier! welcome back!


You know exactly what that word means, don’t you?

Is there still time for a Battle of the Bands between Exquisitely Self-Absorbed Turds and Sam Stone’s Tragic Gullibility?