A major error in every single edited post! Please fix!

OMG! I just noticed it. I’m flabbergasted, and gobsmacked, if I can take a stab at understanding what Brits mean by that word.

How long has this been going on?

What does this say about SD’s COMMITMENT TO QUALITY CONTROL? :dubious:


Extra period after each date stamp in “Last edited by…”

Let’s talk about what “major” means.

Would that be Major Hissyfit? Or is it just Private Obsession?

It’s minor. Very minor. Invisibly minor. But that kind of stuff does bug me over time, too, and it looks like it’s just a configuration field entry glitch, so…

Hey, it got you here in two minutes…:slight_smile:

In the U.S.A.F. it’s the next rank above “Captain” and below “Lieutenant Colonel”.

Oh, god. I’ve seen it. Now I can never unsee it.

What I look like thinking about those to whom I have pointed out an error that everybody, and I mean everybody, has seen so often for so long but ONLY I am That Guy who knows something everybody else didn’t know.Because someone’s got to.

That’s a feature, not a bug.

I thought it a hypercorrection.

Aaron Donovan still holds the crown.

Gaudere’s Law strikes again. What’s with the double hyphens?

Consecutive hyphens are used to replace em or en dashes, which are delicious candy-coated punctuation marks.

dot dot… dot dot… dot dot… dot dot…

Surely not in print, whether on paper or on the intertubes, especially at the New York Times and in 2000, when a typewriter would have been on display next to a Linotype in the paper’s museum, if it had a museum.

How the mighty has fallen.

I’m not quite sure how to parse that.

I’m also sorry that I got distracted and didn’t get to change “em or en dashes” to “Em & En Dashes” to get on the edited post bandwagon.

Though I’m sure there’s an ASCII code or keyboard shortcut, there is no keyboard-based way to insert an em- or en-dash in the Dope’s reply box; consecutive hyphens are a widely accepted substitute (in Word, I use CTRL-hyphen for – and CTRL-Alt-hyphen for —).

Windows: Alt-0150, en dash. Alt-0151, em dash. I think there are equivalent code-entry modes for Mac and most Linux implementations as well.

Some of us also have macro keyboards and program the dozen or so most common punctuation and special symbols into them. Yay, Logitech G11’s. :slight_smile:

Hmmmmm. Let me try.

Last edited by elmwood; Today at 05:44 PM…

Can you edit it out?

Apparently not…

What about:
