A men's pee pee inquiry. Not tmi, I promise.

Hey, glad someone was interested. If I had a nickel for every time I’ve interjected that into a conversation only to have people look at me incredulously for a few seconds because I’d just spent more than a minute babbling about tents, flags, and trouser fasteners, I’d have fifteen cents.

Unzip pants, pull down boxers (or used to pull down briefs), pull Mr. Winky out and
let loose. Shake and reverse process. Use caution between last two steps.

I have used the flap every once and great while with older boxers as Mr. Winky
tends to fall out from worn-out ones.

Was taught no particular way that I can remember. Dad used briefs still, I and my
brother both use boxers.

Now I do wipe differently. I stand up to do so, facing the toilet. Everyone tells me
I’m strange for that. I have a tendancy to clog toilets, so I have to keep any eye out.
My Dad swears I didn’t learn it from him.


[Hijack]A 6 year old friend of my daughter was forbidden by his parents to say “poop” or “pee”. He was taught to say “doo doo” and “void”. This kid talks about bodily functions more than any other kid in the class. One day my daughter had to move to a different seat on the bus because he wouldn’t stop talking about doo doo and void and it was annoying her. Kids. Make something forbidden and it becomes and obsession.[/hijack]

Slit for me. From the moment I was toilet-trained, I was told, “that’s what this hole is for.”

Oh, hell yeah. It’s either all in or all out.


I asked the same thing in this thread not too long ago.

Over the top. Easy cheesy eloisey.

“Everyone” is monumentally wrong. Yours is the correct method. It’s been long documented that at any given time, there is only one person in the world who uses the “between-the-legs, wiping-while-sitting” method. This person is clinically insane and a danger to the well-being of our society.
[end hijack]


Hi. That’s me. I like roast beef. Care to join me for a movie? with roast beef?

That person would be me.

Sorry. I don’t think I could stand to do it standing up.

You owe me a new keyboard.

Also, you should have seen the strange look my cat Conan was giving me because I during the several minutes I was giggling over this post.

I would too, but the floor is sooo cold. :wink:

Haven’t any of you guys ever had one more little poop (or squirt, even) pop out just as you think finish up wiping?