A Metallic sound in my left ear

I had a bad, bad flu a few weeks ago, including bad, bad sinus clogging. Last week my left ear couldn’t hear very well; it was like having a foam earplug in it all the time. Now I can hear better (still not as well as the other side) and everything I hear has a slightly metallic tinny sound, like it’s resonated around a tin shed.

Very annoying… Do those ear-clearing drops work? Is there any chance that I have some kind of damage to my ear?

You may have tin-nitis.

Are you bring funny? Tinnitis is a ringing or buzzing sound in the ear, AFAIK.

No, Tinnitis can lead to a variety of ‘head noises’.
My father suffers from it. He would consider a mere ‘ringing’ to be a blessing.

I have tinnitus. Constant ringing or clicking noises in one ear.
Go to an ear doctor immediately.