Has any thought ever been given to deleting posts in Great Debates which do not contribute to the debate?
I mean posts that are PURELY insulting, or joking, or whatever. It gets so old. There are appropriate forums for that.
I can’t finish reading very many Great Debates anymore, because I go away shaking my head, crying a little, at the need some of these posters have to just HATE each other. The Debate is only the excuse to fling hate. And so often the hate is irrelevant to any facet of the Debate - it’s based on a chance remark, what-have-you - it’s just gratuitous.
Offenders are too numerous to mention, but if anyone actually wants cites, just let me know. It lowers the level of the entire Board if there is not one single place where the discussion can be kept civil.
Any ideas on improving civility just in that single forum (GD)??? I understand management’s unwillingness to delete a lot of posts. How about a few more slaps on the wrist for infractions?
I can’t be the only person who wants to learn from GD, but finds the content too hate-filled to deal with. Please, stamp out my ignorance, but can you do it without spewing vomit in every direction?