A neat picture that I took yesterday

I was wandering around in my backyard yesterday, looking at the plants covered with ice and noticing how pretty everything looked. We got freezing rain a few days ago and although the rain has stopped, everything is still frozen. I looked at the ice-covered leaves on a vine growing on the side of my house and noticed one in particular with a perfectly formed snowflake sitting on it! It was so pretty that I took a picture of it. I have it as my current desktop background and just thought I’d share my backyard winter wonderland with everyone!


Wow, very nice indeed! Too bad the picture isn’t bigger to see more detail. Well it probably would be if I was a member and signed in.

Wait, so ice can fall from the sky? Freak show.

Wraps her blankey tighter in sunny California.

Very pretty!

That’s lovely! admires

What a wonderful shot! Thanks for the link, raz. :slight_smile:

Right on! The best picture I’ve ever taken were totally by accident while exposing [as much film] as I could.

http://www.millertwinracing.com/pretty/ and the bottom half of
http://www.millertwinracing.com/misc/ are my share.

Oooh, can I share one? I got a digital camera for Christmas and I’ve been messing around with it. Here ya go…click the thumbnail for a nice big image. The camera is by no means outstanding (not that I’m complaining) so I was surprised at how crisp this picture turned out.

Okay, I’ll get in on this. I took this picture from an airplane somewhere inbetween Orlando and Chicago in May 2004.

Smaller version.
HUGE version.

Well, if it’s winter you want, here ya go. This was my backyard a couple of years ago after a huge icestorm that resulted in my relatives all living in my house for a week as I was the only one that still had electricity. It was fun. Really.

I’ll see if I can scan a copy of a photo my sister took last year; it’s similar to the OP’s, except that the leaf has fallen away, leaving just an ice replica.

One morning when I was going to work I found that a spider had spun it’s web across the front door of my house. The thing went clear from one side to the other, and the spider was sitting right in the middle at just about eye level. Glad I saw it before I walked into it, anyway, I snapped a picture.


Wow, that flag picture is really good! And the picture of the spider on the web is creepy beyond words. I hate those things.

Here’s a link where you can see some of the pictures I’ve done. These two are probably my favorites. Also the courtyards in Nice were pretty cool too.

This was a nice accident.

[/bragging about photos]

that’s the cool thing, especially on the web, you don’t need to spent mega-$$$ to get good photographic results.