A New Approach to My Birthday

Once again, I’ve become older. And once again, I had a disappointing birthday. So, after :::cough cough::: 37 years, I have decided to do some things differently for next year:

  1. Tell Mr. Cookie point blank that I would like a cake. With candles.

  2. Stop being so convincing when I say my birthday means nothing to me. In fact, stop blatantly lying about this. As much as it makes me feel like a 7 year-old, my birthday does mean something to me, and I have decided to admit it.

  3. Knock off all passive agressive bull that requires those around me to read my mind.

  4. Put it in better perspective and stop being such a neanderthal.

That is all.

Sounds good.

Happy birthday!

Just don’t sit on the cake, okay?

You know, THANK YOU. I really appreciate the fact that you wished me a happy birthday. Thanks again. It means something to me.

The New and Improved Sat on Cookie

Now that you’re changing your ways, maybe we should call you “Sidestepped Cookie and Sat on Couch”.

Happy birthday!!!

Thank you, Kalhoun for wishing me a happy birthday.

It occurs to me that my screen name might suggest I have sat on or frequently sit on cookies. In fact, it is meant to mean that I am a squished cookie…the big butt of life has sat on me.

Happy birthday!

And the new approach seems cool.

Happy birthday!

I think I’ll do the same thing for my birthday, which is soon. You’ve inspired me.

Thank you AngelicGemma and Loneraven for wishing me a happy bday. It was very nice of you and it matters to me.

Wow. This is getting easier to admit!

mnemosyne waltzes in with Sat on Cookie’s favourite type of cake…

Well, I figure we might as well turn this into a Birhtday Party, no?

AND a Birthday Party, too! I can spell, really!

Wishing you a good day, a good year and a good life.

Happy Birthday! Have some cake on me.

It’s my birthday also, and it was a pretty crappy one, so hopefully yours will be extra special so the universe balances out.

Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday dear Sat on Cookie . Happy Birthday to you! And there aren’t any trick candles on this cake.:smiley: And you too, Max_Castle.

Happy birthday!

I think you’ve made the right choices.