A New Twist On the Vegetarian vs Meat Eaters Issue

Just in case anyone is looking for a serious response, I’ll say that most people who practice vegetarianism for moral reasons probably see it as something akin to preventing pollution. It’s impossible to go through your whole life without causing some about of damage to the Earth, but the fact that I drive a car doesn’t stop me from criticizing people who pour used motor oil down storm drains. Likewise, the knowledge that even the most conscious vegetarian is still responsible for the death of thousands of mites, ticks, shrews, voles, etc. does not stop them from criticizing those who eat cows wholesale.

Or a more simple way of putting it is that for vegetarians who are vegetarians because of animal rights concerns, their goal is to reduce suffering. It’s not a religion or a contest. It’s just a practical application of ethics, and to eliminate suffering 100% is neither practical nor possible.

That last 5% or so has powerfully diminishing returns on your effort, which probably holds true for all kinds of things. Yet this is what anti-veggies like to harp on about, because pointing out perceived hypocrisy somehow passes for meaningful criticism these days. It’s like some kind of television-based magic: recite a soundbite spell and wave your hand, and expect your opposition to just vanish in a puff of hypocritical smoke.

An even more cynical response is that the OP is just another person who does nothing criticizing anybody who does anything for not doing everything. I’ve been guilty of this myself.


McDonalds birthday parties. Imagine you’re 9 years old, all your friends are running around screaming and eating cheeseburgers and having a great time and you’re there with a PBJ sandwich. You feel a little left out.

Hey, don’t diss McDonald’s…sometimes my stomache craves greasy, unhealthy quasi-food, and McDonald’s satisfies that role quite nicely.

resumes eating a double cheeseburger with fries placed in the middle

I prefer the Quarter Pounder with Cheese[sup]TM[/sup] myself.

Is anyone going to answer my question?

I prefer the Quarter Pounder with Cheese[sup]TM[/sup] myself.

Is anyone going to answer my question?