A plea to Jon Stewart

That’s a little bit better then. She should have explained that, rather than saying “We don’t have any”, or whatever it was she said.

I found one site saying that of Wasilla’s 69 municipal employees, 26 are in finance and administration. So it’s not unlikely that the mayor doesn’t do much except chair meetings and sign checks.

It wasn’t “even” Yom Kippur, that was the point - “Not even my Rabbi has the balls to take two days off for Rosh Hashanah

Episode of 30th Sept here

Dang, scooped me to the correction and the URL. I flailed around looking for the clip before I realized my error. Thanks for putting it up.

For the Rosh Hashanah bit, he pointed out that there were a hell of a lot more Jews working on Wall Street than in Congress, and they were working.

In the ep a while ago - could it have been a year? - which started off something like “traitors don’t get to question my patriotism” he was undoubtedly seething.

Minor short rant: I love Stewart and TDS, but is it a “New Rule” that 2/3 of the Middle Third of the show must suck? The opening third is usually killer, a combo of great comedy and great investigative journalism. The final third, like any other talk show, depends on who the guest is- if it’s an author who’s written an interesting book on current events or Bill Clinton or Mrs. Dick Cheney or whatever (even Buckley Jr. tonight) it can be pretty good, if it’s just Adam Sandler plugging his movie not so much, but that’s the luck of the draw.

But that middle third- rarely worth watching any more. Jason Jones, Asiv Mandi, (sp?), John Oliver, Rob Riggle, or worst of all Jon Hodgeson or Dmitri Martin (whose success I’ve never understood) etc.- it’s just good for a bathroom break more often than not. The first third has so many moments of brilliance that I’d hate to say “get new writers”, but… do sumpin’, Jon. Handle it for me, kay babe? Tanks.

Wait a minute. That bit with the Mayor of Wassila was . . . real?

I don’t usually remember to watch TDS but caught the last half of this one. I thought it was a fairly amusing send up.

It was REAL?

Google seems to indicate that “traitors don’t get to question my patriotism” is a Bill Maher quote.

Have to agree - thanks for putting words to my thoughts. My must-watch show, to be sure, but that middle third is often painful.

They need better “reporters.” I like Sam Bee, but she’s not doing much these days. (Understandable with two small children.) Oliver’s OK, but a little full of himself, and the show is just better with American reporters. I miss Corrdry, Helms, and Colbert.

All too real. Now, imagine this person instead of Palin as McCain’s VP candidate. If the fan base wasn’t obsessed with her looks, she would have been dumped long ago.

Really? I just watched last night’s show, and Jon Hodgman in the middle third was hilarious. He was brutal in making fun of Jon.

I’m about half and half on the middle third. Rob Riggle and Jason Jones are almost the same guy – they don’t really need two of him. The rest are hit or miss – sometimes they are very funny, sometimes they just seem to act like jackasses on the theory that acting like a jackass is in itself funny.

I don’t have much against the usual middle thirds, or at least I didn’t think I did, but last night’s Jon Hodgman was fantastic; the best I’ve seen in a long time. It’s actually causing me to start re-evaluating the others…

I particularly like it when they do things like in this video, in which they contrast President Bush’s speech of September 24, 2008 on the financial crisis and the need to spend $700 billion with his speech of March 17, 2003 on the danger posed by Saddam Hussein and the need to invade Iraq.

:smack: This ignorant foreigner will slink away now.

I want more Larry Wilmore–that man’s delivery is incredible. Wyatt may have talent, but they haven’t found a way to show it yet.

By all means, get rid of Jason Jones (but keep Samantha Bee). I also like Token MidEast descent guy–have forgotten his name. I like Hodgeman best when he’s playing a geeky wonk who gets it wrong. (I read his first book–not all that funny, in fact, it got tiresome).

I wouldn’t mind just watching Stewart until the guest comes out some nights.

Do you mean Aasif Mandvi? Because he was born in Mumbai, which isn’t in the Mideast.

That is true. However, in a vague, not particularly useful sense, he may well have significant ancestry tracing back to the Middle East.

I know; that’s a pretty weak defense…