A poll: what do you call that thing...

…consisting of concentric metal circles, that a person is strapped into, and spins around…

Oh, heck. Here’s a picture on someone’s website. Scroll down, they call it a Gyro-Orbitron. ( :rolleyes: )

I’ve got one to sell, and I really don’t know what to list it as on eBay!

Ta in advance!

It is called a Gyro-Orbitron, according to every outfit I’ve found that sells the thing.

Google is your friend.

Moving statement calling for fact instead of opinion from IMHO to General Questions, just in case someone comes up with a different answer.

A more generic term for this type of device is a gimbal, if you’d rather avoid the brand name for some reason.

I thought that thing was a Multi-Axis Trainer. Or at least, that’s what they called it in Space Camp, which I’m sure was a well-researched and educational documentary.

Thanks for the input so far; I neglected to mention that I’m in Australia, and restricting gyro orbitron Google results to Aussie sites gives few results. I was hoping for a more generic term.

It looks like you’re right, Chronos!

One season they had one of these in one of the bars at the resort I worked at. We called it the Hurl-a-tron.