As a made for SyFy movie is on on half an hour. I am a lifelong ERB fan, and I am going to watch, but made for SyFy stuff really seems to suck. One can only hope this will be the exception.
I’ll be there with you… we’ll see if they break their horrible movie making streak. :: crossing fingers ::
My on-screen guide says 2009. Has this been broadcast before?
It came out on DVD December 29, 2009.
Traci Lords as Dejah Thoris? I’m going to watch, but I’ll be cringing through my fingers.
I watched it on netflix on demand, and thought it was moderately better than their normal monster of the week movies …
I did notice some idiot poster over on IMDB posted some drivel about who the old broad was and why she was playing Dejah Thoris … hello - you are on a movie database website and you can’t be arsed to look up an actress?
She is not the spring chicken she was when she was fresh out of doing porn, but she isn’t bad[she does have the chipmunk cheeks, but she had those when she was 17 as well]
I first read this book almost fifty years ago. I still have all of the Ballentine paperbacks I bought with my allowance at fifty cents each. So far, I am disappointed…
They couldn’t manage six-limbed humanoids?!
They could have read the novel before writing the so called screenplay…
I assume it is horrible. It’s an Asylum movie, the people that brought us Transmorphers and the Day The Earth Stopped.
Now why would they do a silly thing like that? :rolleyes:
To me, it started out with potential and then it was like they ran out of budget or something. As soon as they got to the air station it turned into drivel.
I want my two hours back.
That was pretty awful…
I just caught 10 minutes of this while surfing. Feh.
Obviously there were some budget issues that prevented the green guys from having four arms and being 18 ft. tall. Obviously the budget didn’t allow for decent make-up. Those are disappointments but forgivable.
But I saw an arena fight scene where John Carter was chained hand and foot; his opponent swung an axe at him and Carter used the blow to cut the chain between his hands. Then after he won the fight he didn’t use the axe to cut his feet loose.
He threw the axe away.
Aw, jeez please, let me treasure the illusion that I’m not watching idiots.
Then he picked up a 150 lb. rock and threw it 500 feet to knock a large stone pavilion off a hillside. Sorry, can’t buy that, not even if the Martian gravity makes the rock only weigh 15 lbs.
Traci Lords may not have been “ugly,” but she was extremely comparable, and seemed on the downhill side of her 250 year lifespan.
Seconded. I really thought it had promise. The sword “fight” at the end was laughably bad.
Jeebus, guys, it was a SyFy movie. Do you have any idea how cheaply those things are made? you’re lucky the Martians didn’t have green makeup and just the plastic tusks sticking out of their lower lips … I thought the Martian facial makeup was pretty good. The move sucked, sure but being an experienced SyFy movie watcher, I found it better than I expected. Well, a little better. At least they didn’t reimagine much of it as occurring in Vancouver, like they did with Buck Rogers.
Yes! Thank god for this.
BTW, I don’t recall ever reading the original - how badly did it fare in that regard?
Made-for-television SyFy movies are the video equivalent of local theater.
Local middle-school theater.
Man, Traci Lords has aged badly.