A probably impossible to answer movie question

I realize this is the longest of shots, but perhps it’s worth a try.
In the early 1950’s I saw my first movie.
All I remember about it was a final scene: A young woman is walking between two rows of hedges, unaware that the love she thought she had lost is walking between hedges leading perpendicularly to hers and that they will meet.
Anyone have any idea what this movie was?

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Moving thread from GQ to Cafe Society.

I don’t know the answer for OP, but his description reminded me of the poignant final scene in another movie. The context: Can two almost-lovers from Hong Kong find each other in vast New York City? The singer they both admired has just died and TV’s are celebrating her life. (Back it up 2 minutes and the almost-lovers are walking perpendicularly, though through streets of New York, not hedge rows.)

Probably not The Shining.

I will just point out that a snippet of memory of something you think you saw in a movie in the 1950s is highly unreliable. This decade-long thread showing the strength of people’s convictions about seeing a (non-existent) alternative ending to Big is an entertaining read.

So don’t dismiss the possibility that the reality might have been substantially different - streets rather than hedgerows, etc.

The OP is referring to an Oscar-winning 1946 movie starring Tyrone Power and Gene Tierney called The Razor’s Hedge.


It has been suggested to me that it’s possible I am remembering a 1950 film, Two Weeks with Love, with Jane Powell and Debbie Reynolds. (There was later a 1980’s version, relevant to my question.)
The movie introduced the song, Abba Dabba Honeymoon.
Has any reader of SDMB seen this movie?

In response to one of the Message Board responses, I watched The Razor’s Edge. It was enjoyable, but bore no resemblance whatever to the scene in my question.

It seems like an ending to a movie adaptation of one of the Bronte sisters novels. I can’t remember exactly though.
I don’t recall the movie “Two weeks in love”, if I catch it on TCM, I’ll let you know.