A big problem with our economy (No. 2 after people just being plain ol’ broke) is a lack of demand for products. There are (virtually) no more technologically prestigious products; rather, everything has been commoditized and cheapened.
First, I’m not talking about fashion and/or luxury goods. A Louis Vuitton bag is expensive, and guess Luis Vuitton is a prestigious company. The same thing goes for high-end cars.
Second, let me deal with some exceptions to my thesis. Tesla is an expensive car admired for its technology. That would be a counter-example. So would Apple, which is just barely hanging onto the cool and prestige of its phones and tablets. Is Apple as cool as in 2007, 2008 when the iPhone was new? Hell no. But let’s not argue whether Apple is still cool. The trouble is that almost no other company or product is.
I am a translator of Japanese and a copywriter for that market. Sometime giants of the electronics industry there are teetering on the edge of bankruptcy now, basically because Samsung has eaten their lunch and none of these products are cool any more.
Let’s go back to the 1980s. Remember the Sony Walkman? That was the iPod of its time, man! (Not that anyone cares about iPods any more, but bear with me here…) Sony was genuinely thought of as a cool, inventive, prestigious company for coming out with a portable radio/tape player like that. It was high-tech! Now that’s something you might buy at a dollar store.
TVs used to be cool. Today’s TVs would have blown people away even as recently as the 1990s. Today, those huge flat screens are lined up in Costco, and no one particularly cares who makes them.
Computers used to be way cool! If an exec had a Compaq laptop in the 80s or 90s, he was a total badass. That was expensive high-tech! Now, IBM has sold off its laptop division to Lenovo, a Chinese company for chrissakes. Dell used to be this huge admired company–they were making computers! Now… does Dell still exist any more? Here again, Apple is the only company that can make computers cool, although they themselves don’t seem to give more than half a shit about their desktops and laptops. So old school.
And this is all part of the malaise. What was once cool is now commodity, produced in Asia for pennies and sold for cheap on Amazon or the barely breathing big box appliance stores. No one gives a shit. No one is excited.